What is Alternanthera used for?

What is Alternanthera used for?

As a herbal medicine, the plant has diuretic, cooling, tonic and laxative properties. It has been used for the treatment of dysuria and haemorrhoids. The plant is also believed to be beneficial for the eyes, and is used as an ingredient in the making of medicinal hair oils and Kajal (kohl).

Is Alternanthera sessilis edible?

Red leafed varieties of Alternanthera sessilis and Alternanthera brasiliana are often planted in tropical gardens as an ornamental plants, and they are edible an healthy too. The most popular common names of Alternanthera sessilis in english are : Sessile Joyweed, Dwarf Copperleaf, Carpet Weed and Water Amaranth.

How do I know if I have Alternanthera sessilis?

Alternanthera sessilis has stems that lie flat and are 1-10 dm long. The leaves are sometimes spear-shaped but mostly elliptic and are 0.3-3cm wide. The petioles are 1-5mm long. The bract are shiny white under the flower’s sessile spikes.

How do you control sessile Joyweed?

Broad spectrum herbicides like Roundup can be used in severe infestations. Check with your country agent for up to date control measures that will be most effective in your area without damaging the environment.

How do you grow alternanthera?

How to Grow Alternanthera. Joseph’s coat plants aren’t picky about the soil as long as it is well-drained and not too rich. The plants grow well in both sun and partial shade, but the colors are more intense in full sun. Set out bedding plants a couple of weeks after your last expected frost.

What is Mukunuwenna in English?

AMARANTHACEAE. English name: Sessile joyweed. Local name: Mukunuwenna (මුකුණුවැන්න) **

What is Ponnanganni Keerai called in English?

Ponnanganni leaves have many common names including Ponnanganni Keerai, Ponnaganti Koora, Matsyaakshi, Mukunuwenna, Gudari Saag, and Dwarf Copperleaf spinach, Water Amaranth, and Sessile Joyweed in English.

What is the English name for Mukunuwenna?

Sessile joyweed

Scientific name: Alternanthera sessilis
English name: Sessile joyweed
Local name: Mukunuwenna (මුකුණුවැන්න) **

What is Ponnanganni Keerai in English?

What is the scientific name of Sessile Joyweed?

Alternanthera sessilis
Alternanthera sessilis/Scientific names
sessile joyweed, Alternanthera sessilis Caryophyllales: Amaranthaceae.

Where does Alternanthera grow?

Alternanthera ficoidea is a low-growing plant that typically grows on erect to procumbent stems to 6-12” tall. It is native from Mexico to Argentina. Species plants have elliptic to broad ovate green leaves (to 1” long).

What is the common name of Alternanthera sessilis?

Alternanthera sessilis is an aquatic plant known by several common names, including ponnanganni (in Tamil), ponnaganti aaku (in Telugu),Honnagone in Kannada Mukunuwenna (in Sinhala), sessile joyweed and dwarf copperleaf.

What is ponnanganni ( Alternanthera)?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. Alternanthera sessilis is an aquatic plant known by several common names, including ponnanganni (in Tamil), ponnaganti aaku (in Telugu), Mukunuwenna (in Sinhala), sessile joyweed and dwarf copperleaf. It is used as a vegetable specially in Sri Lanka and some Asian countries.

Is a sessilis an annual or perennial?

A. sessilis is an annual or perennial herb, of 0.2-1 m high, with strong taproots. The stems are generally prostrate, creeping, often rooting at the nodes, sometimes floating or ascending at the tips, cylindrical and slightly hairy, with numerous, erect branches.

Where do Alternanthera plants grow?

Alternanthera is a diverse genus (80–200 species) and the second largest in subfamily Gomphrenoideae of the Amaranthaceae. The highest diversity of this genus occurs in South America, but many species also occur in the Caribbean, Central America and Mexico (Sanchez del Pino et al., 2012).

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