Are Australian diamonds valuable?

Are Australian diamonds valuable?

There are three famed diamond mines in Australia: Argyle, Ellendale and Merlin. Combined, the mines have supplied millions of carats worth of gems to the global market, and individually they have produced some of the rarest, most exquisite stones ever recovered.

Are Argyle Diamonds good quality?

Most diamonds have at least one secondary color, so pure Argyle Diamonds are considered extremely rare and valuable. The higher the intensity or strength of the color, the more expensive the stone.

Are Argyle Diamonds ethical?

Argyle Mines How do the mines fit in with ethical standards? In all truth – they fit in very well. The mines adhere to safety and human rights regulations, they do not profit off conflict.

Are Australian pink diamonds a good investment?

The Argyle Mine In the past 11 years especially, many of the pink diamond prices have increased by 367%, making them a hard and stable investment, and one that clearly shows strong growth. This makes pink diamonds an intelligent investment.

What Colour are Argyle diamonds?

Argyle pink diamonds
Argyle pink diamonds are so rare that of every million carats of rough diamonds produced at the mine, a mere one carat is suitable for sale. For this reason, it is perhaps the most sought after diamond in the world, fetching up to 100 times the value of an equivalent white diamond.

Are Australian diamonds real?

Many of the world’s rarest diamonds (owing to their shapes, sizes, colours, kinds), pink in particular, originate in the Argyle mine of Australia, The rich Arygle mine is also known for its production of other rare, coloured diamonds like champagne, cognac, and blue diamonds.

What Colour are Argyle Diamonds?

What are Argyle diamonds worth?

For an argyle diamond price will start at 80,000$ per carat and can go up to a million dollars per carat. For example, one of the rarest pink diamonds in the world was sold at an auction for a record 46 million.

Why is Argyle mine closing?

Reason for the closure The diamonds mined in Argyle are of average to low quality. Despite this, the increasing operation cost and a stagnant diamond market, are forcing Argyle mines to close by 2020. Another reason for the closure is that the mines are so deep now that further excavation is unviable.

Will pink diamonds go up in value?

According to the FCRF, natural pink diamonds without Argyle certification have only increased in value by a mere 1% in the past five years — more concerningly for investors in these types of diamonds, that 1% growth happened back in 2019.

Are pink diamonds still being mined?

The diamond market will experience a significant change, as the world’s largest source of rare, pink diamonds is closing. The Argyle mine in Western Australia is expected to finally close and end its production of the famed diamond types by the end of 2020.

What is the rarest diamond colour?

What Are the Rarest Diamond Colors?

  • Red Diamonds. The rarest of all colored diamonds, only 20 to 30 natural red diamonds exist in the entire world.
  • Blue Diamonds. Also incredibly rare are blue diamonds, which have only been found naturally in mines in South Africa, India, and Australia.
  • Pink Diamonds.
  • Yellow Diamonds.

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