Are language immersion programs worth it?

Are language immersion programs worth it?

Thus, if you are contemplating sending your child to an immersion school, it may be a huge advantage for fluency in a foreign language. In essence, research shows that a full immersion program not only teaches students a foreign language, it strengthens their understanding of their native language as well.

Do language immersion programs work?

Researchers found that “below-average students in immersion scored at the same level as below-average students in the English program on English language and academic achievement tests.” In addition, “below-average students in immersion scored significantly higher on second-language tests than the below-average …

Is the Navajo language dying?

Like endangered species, languages are dying across the planet. Of the roughly 70 Native languages still spoken in the region, Navajo is by far the healthiest, with more than 170,000 speakers. Many languages, however, are down to their last speakers.

Is Navajo taught in schools?

Since 1984 the Navajo Nation has mandated instruction in Navajo culture and language in K-12 schools within its boundaries. There was a great concern then, and this concern still exists today, that fewer and fewer members of the Nation have access to their rich cultural and linguistic heritage.

What research says about immersion?

In general, research finds that immersion students whose first language is not English become more balanced bilinguals and develop higher levels of bilingualism and biliteracy when compared with English-proficient students or home language peers participating in other educational programming.

How long does it take to learn a language through immersion?

With full immersion and full-time study, I think it would take around 6 months to one year to learn French fluently. Arabic should take around 2 years under the same conditions. For me, the average time to learn a language (if I can find someone to talk to me in that language) is approx 4-8 weeks.

Are immersion schools worth it?

Over nearly half a century, research on language immersion education has heralded benefits such as academic achievement, language and literacy development in two or more languages, and cognitive skills.

Why is Navajo difficult?

Navajo – Not only is Navajo a complicated language to learn, but there are no written grammatical rules or published dictionary of Navajo words. It is a testament to the Navajo language that the Japanese code breakers were never able to decipher the transmitted messages.

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