At what age should a woman stop taking bioidentical hormones?

At what age should a woman stop taking bioidentical hormones?

Women older than 60 or 65 don’t automatically have to stop taking HRT and can consider continuing HRT beyond age 65 for persistent hot flashes, quality-of-life issues, or prevention of osteoporosis after appropriate evaluation and counseling of the benefits and risks of HRT.

What happens when you stop bioidentical hormones?

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -Though long-term hormone replacement therapy has serious health risks, going off the medication may lead to a return of menopausal symptoms and increased risk for high blood pressure, according to a new study.

Can I take bioidentical hormones forever?

Bioidentical HRT can offer you long-term relief from the myriad of symptoms related to hormone imbalances, and while you shouldn’t take them forever, they can help your body navigate the aging process with relative ease.

Can a 70 year old woman take HRT?

It is not usually appropriate for women over 60 to be starting HRT but as the WHI study shows, women initiating it over 60 years do not seem to be at increased risk of cardiovascular events or mortality. Many women seek advice on the effects of HRT on sexual activity and desire.

What happens to your body when you stop taking bioidentical hormones?

Side effects of stopping hormone replacement therapy include the return of menopause symptoms, especially hot flashes. If there are symptoms, they may be more manageable than before HRT. Some women experience uncomfortable symptoms after stopping HRT with little relief.

What are bioidentical hormone treatments?

Certain hormone treatments are called “bioidentical” or sometimes “natural” because the types of hormones used are chemically identical (according to molecular studies) to those produced by the human body.

What are the different types of custom hormones?

Although custom hormone combinations often include blends of the same ingredients found in FDA-approved bioidentical hormones (i.e., plant-derived 17β-estradiol or micronized progesterone), some custom compounded preparations include additional hormone varieties (i.e., estriol, pregnenolone, and DHEA).

What is custom-compounded hormone therapy?

Some health care providers who prescribe BHRT products perform saliva or blood tests in their patients first in order to assess their unique hormonal needs and then prescribe customized treatment solutions. This is called “custom-compounded” (custom-mixed) hormone therapy. Not all BHRT is customized, however.

Is there such a thing as plant-based hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?

The problem is, while many of these hormonal molecules may have been derived from plant sources, most are not even close to being anything like human female hormones, nor do they perform as such in the body. Many proprietary HRT options marketed as “plant-based” and “natural” as well as purely yam-based creams fall into this category.

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