Can ENFP be mysterious?
The fact that ENFPs are so open and sincere, makes them appear much less mysterious. They have many sides to their personalities though, and to some people they are capable of maintaining a sense of mystery. The ENFP is much more likely to appear mysterious when they are trying to catch the eye of a romantic interest.
Can ENFPs keep secrets?
For ENFPs it is best to be an open person, since bottling things up feel unnatural for them. They don’t find it easy to keep secrets most of the time, especially around people they love and care for. For the ENFP being overly secretive can feel dishonest and they value being honest.
Which personality type is the most secretive?
Originally Answered: Which MBTI is the most secretive? It has to be INFJ. They are extremely private and sensitive and don’t trust others easily. They are also highly misunderstood due to dominant Ni which others find difficult to understand.
Can ENFPs be fake?
In the eyes of the cynics, yes, ENFP will always be assumed as fake. I am an ENFP. And I met a lot of people who think I am a fake while they never even converse nor ever had an interaction with me.
Can ENFPs be private?
ENFPs are warm but private. ENFPs only share what they want you to know though and they are actually rather private. They are highly selective about who they share their thoughts and feelings with and it takes time for this personality type to feel like they can truly trust someone.
Are ENFPs rebellious?
ENFPs are often seen as very rebellious individuals, and they certainly do not like being told what to do. ENFPs enjoy following their own set of rules, because they simply do not want to be held back by others. Their need to explore new things, is part of what makes the ENFP so willing to rebel.
What is the Enfp dark side like?
ENFPs aren’t naturally in touch with more physical things, instead they are naturally imaginative people. They might start to recklessly seek out physical experiences, which can get them into trouble in these situations. For the ENFP this either happens in times of serious stress, or in times of serious self-doubt.
Are ENFPs all or nothing?
ENFPs are all-or-nothing people in their lives and in love. They take romantic relationships seriously, yet approach them with enthusiasm and warmth. ENFPs crave meaningful connections with their partners and are likely to leave a relationship early on if that connection is absent.
Which MBTI is the most private?
The INTJ is one of the most independent, private types in the MBTI. You choose your friends carefully and invest your time wisely as to preserve your energy and still reach your goals.
Which MBTI is good at keeping secrets?
INTJs are often very good at keeping secrets, especially if they can logically understand why someone would want privacy. INTJs value privacy in their own lives, so because of this they can understand why other people would want to keep things secret.
Are ENFPs pretty?
ENFP women are strong, spirited and warm individuals. Their inner minds are rich and beautiful, but not everyone is lucky enough to glimpse inside. ENFPs are often seen as the most open people out there, but they only truly open up to a lucky few.