Can I look up a book by its ISBN number?

Can I look up a book by its ISBN number?

Using an ISBN is the most accurate and reliable way to search for a book. Use our search engine to find book information and the best prices for books. Typical location of an ISBN on the back of a book.

Where is the ISBN on a textbook online?

On most books, the ISBN number can be found on the back cover, next to the barcode.

How do I look up an ISBN number?

To verify an ISBN, calculate 10 times the first digit, plus 9 times the second digit, plus 8 times the third digit and so on until we add 1 time the last digit. If the final number leaves no remainder when divided by 11, the code is a valid ISBN.

Is there an ISBN database?

ISBNdb: The World’s largest book databaseā„¢ ISBNdb gathers data from hundreds of libraries, publishers, merchants and other sources around the globe to compile a vast collection of unique book data searchable by ISBN, title, author, or publisher.

How do I find a book without the title or author?

Tips to Find a Book When You Don’t Know the Title or Author

  1. What did the cover look like?
  2. Can you remember a phrase, quote, or a particular paragraph of the book?
  3. What can you remember from the plot?
  4. Can you remember any characters’ names?
  5. What genre was it?

How do I scan an ISBN barcode?

To get started:

  1. Download the Orca Scan barcode app.
  2. Create a new sheet using the Book Tracking template.
  3. Scan an ISBN barcode on any book.
  4. See the book information, enter quantity and location.
  5. Save the changes.

How do I get an ISBN number online?

To apply for ISBN Numbers the Applicant has to first register them on the website and after registration they can further apply of ISBN Numbers as and when required.

What is the ISBN number 10 or 13?

When participating in the ISBN standard, publishers and self-publishers are required to report all information about titles to which they have assigned ISBNs. For more than thirty years, ISBNs were 10 digits long. On January 1, 2007 the ISBN system switched to a 13-digit format. Now all ISBNs are 13-digits long.

How do I find the 13-digit ISBN?

This is the process:

  1. Take the first 12 digits of the 13-digit ISBN.
  2. Multiply each number in turn, from left to right by a number.
  3. Add all of the 12 answers.
  4. Do a modulo 10 division on the result from step 2.
  5. Take that remainder result from step 4.

How can I find a book online?

5 Ways You Can Read Books for Free Online

  1. Google Books. Google Books has a big catalog of free eBooks available online, which you can add to your library and peruse on the go.
  2. Open Culture.
  3. Open Library.
  4. Project Gutenberg.
  5. The Library of Congress.

What is Google Books API?

Google Books has a mission to digitize the world’s book content and make it more discoverable on the Web. The Books API is a way to search and access that content, as well as to create and view personalization around that content.

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