Can I run NBA 2K15?
If you really want to enjoy NBA 2K15 at a higher level of gameplay smoothness, your system must run at with a CPU at least as good as Intel Core i7 or better, more than 4 or more GB RAM, a GPU that performs better than DirectX 11.0 compatible (2 GB) or better , while the PC system is running on Windows 7 64 bit or higher, .
What is NBA 2K15 MyGM mode?
NBA 2K15 features the real voices of professional basketball players. There is also a MyGM mode that turns you into the manager of a basketball team. You’re responsible for drafting your own players, picking the roster for upcoming games, and even how much fans pay for tickets.
How do I get 30 fps on NBA 2K15?
Don’t try and play NBA 2K15 without 2 GB, which helps get the 30FPS Another thing to consider is the DirectX capability of your GPU. NBA 2K15 needs a GPU capable of running DirectX 11.00. What’s your user review score for NBA 2K15?
OS: Windows 7 64 bit or higher. Processor: Intel Core i7 or better. Memory: 4 or more GB RAM. Graphics: DirectX 11.0 compatible (2 GB) or better.
How many gigabytes is 2K21?
4 NBA 2K21 (96.56 GB)
Will VC transfer from 2K21 to 2K22?
Unfortunately the answer is no, you cannot transfer VC between versions of NBA 2K. That not only includes different console versions of the same game (i.e. PlayStation 4 to Xbox One), but different entries in the NBA 2K series (like NBA 2K21 to NBA 2K22).
Does NBA 2K15 not support AMD drivers?
IMPORTANT: NBA 2K15 does not support AMD drivers very well, as when my game starrted crashing I send a support ticket to 2K Games to which they replied with them saying that AMD drivers tend to cause crashes or problems with the NBA 2K game. • Type %appdata% in the search bar on the windows start menu.
How do I change the video settings in NBA 2K15?
1. Configure your NBA 2K15 video settings: 2. Type in %AppData%/2K Sports/NBA 2K15 in the Windows start menu search or in Run (Windows key + R). Open VideoSettings.cfg using Notepad and change the listed value below. Press Ctrl+S to save the changes.
How do I enable V-sync on NBA 2K15?
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del, click the Processes tab and look for nba2k15.exe. Right-click it and set the priority for NBA 2K15 to “High”. 5. Edit the VideoSettings.cfg where it says VSYNC=X. Change X to 1 to enable V-Sync which will lock your FPS to 60. Change X to 2 to lock your FPS to 30. Set X to 0 to disable.
How do I install 2K Sports on Windows 7?
Go to apps, and click on Control Panel, then Hardware and Sound. Then NVidia Control Panel. The rest of the Windows 7 instructions should be very similar or the same. • To find the %appdata% folder you go onto the Windows 8 Start Menu again, this time type in %appdata% and go into the folder to find the 2K Sports folder.