Can wallet in back pocket cause back pain?

Can wallet in back pocket cause back pain?

When you sit on your wallet while it is in your back pocket, it places a lot of physical stress on the lower spine i.e., the ligaments, muscles, discs, and nerves. This ends up adversely affecting the sciatic nerve which can lead to numbness, dysfunction, and searing lower back pain.

Is it bad to keep wallet in back pocket?

Keeping an overstuffed wallet in your back pocket is not recommended. It can cause significant issues to your spine and other areas of back health. A wallet in your back pocket can also be an easier target for thieves, giving it an increased security issue if your back pocket rips and you lose your wallet.

Can a wallet cause SI joint pain?

Vice-versa if you wear your wallet in the other side. The two halves of the pelvis can also rotate slightly due to a constant force being applied to one side and this may lead to sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Long term compensation will result in spinal and postural stress and then pain.

What is pocket syndrome?

Piriformis syndrome is a condition which is believed to result from compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle. Symptoms may include pain and numbness in the buttocks and down the leg. Often symptoms are worsened with sitting or running.

What is wallet sciatica?

Wallet sciatica or Piriformis syndrome is an uncommon form of sciatic pain that arises due to stuffing your wallet in your back pocket for a long time. The sciatic nerve can get pressed due to hip muscle (piriformis muscle) spasms because of poor posture and continuous pressure.

Can a thick wallet cause sciatica?

When a person sits on a bulky wallet, their pelvis and spine tilts and rotates to the side. Over time, this stress on the spine can lead to problems like piriformis syndrome, a condition also known as “fat wallet syndrome.” This condition can cause painful nerve problems like sciatica.

Why do guys put their wallets in their back pockets?

Generally, the main reasons why men place wallets at the back are: it has been a fashion tradition, it is easier to access, it is more comfortable and it can carry more items. There are disadvantages but there are many ways to avoid them. Why Do Men Wear Wallets in Back Pockets?

Can a wallet cause sciatica?

How is wallet syndrome treated?

Treatment for Fat Wallet Syndrome The treatment can be majorly classified into medical, surgery and physiotherapy/physical therapy protocols. Medical: Pharmacological agents (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and acetaminophen) and muscle relaxant to reduce the spasm in piriformis muscle are prescribed to patients.

Can a thick wallet cause back pain?

Can a thick wallet hurt your back?

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