Can you kill U3?

Can you kill U3?

Those with a halfway upgraded broken butterfly can quickly dispose of U3 with a flurry of shots to his head and pincer. Also note that U3 will not die from a rocket hit, but will be very severely weakened; a single shot of another gun will kill him (be sure it’s a strong gun).

Who is U3 in re4?

Osmund Saddler
Gameplay information The U-3 (U‐3, yū-surī?), dubbed It by Osmund Saddler, was one of the experimental bio-weapons developed by Saddler’s research team on the island. It was a horrifying chimera of human, insect, and reptile DNA fused imperfectly into a single being, itself hosting a Plaga parasite.

Where is the blue stone of treason?

Location. It can be found in Chapter 5-3 in the Campsite after Leon fights U3. After killing the Militia Ganados, go down a ladder in one of the tents and there will be a passage to your right. You will see it right away.

Who killed Krauser re4?

1) When both Leon and Ada “kill” Krauser, its the same death scene with Krauser’s chest expolding. I think that this is nothing more than a trick that Krauser has mastered with his mutation. I mean his arm transforms to an awsome weapon and shield, is something that explodes from his cheast that unquestionable?

What is professional difficulty re4?

Resident Evil 4. Successfully beating the game once on the default Normal mode will unlock Professional mode. The difficulty is selected when starting a new game and can not be changed mid-game or for a New Round. The Maze in Chapter 3-2 is inaccessible, thus the player can proceed to the door to continue the game.

What are the green eyes for in re4?

Appears in Green Eyes are treasure items found in Resident Evil 4. They are small jewels that can be fitted into the Butterfly Lamp, along with the Red Eye and Blue Eye. It is worth 1,000₧ if sold by itself.

Does Wesker meet Leon?

No, they don’t encounter each other. Leon may have heard of the traitor, but he never crossed paths with Wesker. The reason is Wesker was always content to remain behind the scenes, and only showed himself when he chose to make his move.

What is Krauser infected with?

the Veronica virus
Kennedy and Krauser are guided by Manuela through Javier’s massive dam, only to encounter even more B.O.W.s. They then learn that the young girl is Javier’s daughter, and had been infected with the Veronica virus, before being separated from her by Javier’s men.

Who are the garrador in Resident Evil?

The Garrador (which means “Clawer” in Spanish) are enemies from the Resident Evil series. They are enemies in Resident Evil 4 . They are Plaga -infested warriors who wear equipment resembling that worn by gladiators and appear in certain areas of Ramon Salazar ‘s castle.

How do I beat the garrador?

The first battle takes place in a big enough area to where there’s not much of an issue, and there are a couple of bells to use to distract it. If you shoot a bell, the Garrador will go attack it, most likely by getting its claws stuck in the wall. This provides enough time for you to shoot the parasite on its back.

Are garradors good or bad?

The Garrador are particularly brutal, and will indiscriminately attack anything in its path and are usually kept under restraint. Garradors are completely blind. They rely on their sense of hearing to track down intruders, and are easily distracted by loud noises.

What are the characteristics of a garrador?

The Garrador are equipped with large claws on each hand, which can be extended and retracted at will. The Garrador are particularly brutal, and will indiscriminately attack anything in its path and are usually kept under restraint. Garradors are completely blind.

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