Can you use or in an if statement Java?

Can you use or in an if statement Java?

OR ( || ) is a logical operator in Java that is mainly used in if-else statements when dealing with multiple conditions. The OR statement returns true if one of the conditions is true. The OR operator can be used with the if statement to execute a block of code.

What does || mean in Java?

|| operator in Java || is a type of Logical Operator and is read as “OR OR” or “Logical OR“.

Can you use && in an if statement?

It differs only in that the right-hand operand expression is evaluated conditionally rather than always. If ( A && B ) will not result in short Circuit if A is True. If ( A || B ) will not result in short circuit if A is False.

What is the OR operator in Java?

Java OR Operator Example: Logical || and Bitwise | The logical || operator doesn’t check the second condition if the first condition is true. It checks the second condition only if the first one is false. The bitwise | operator always checks both conditions whether first condition is true or false.

What is and/or in Java?

Java has two operators for performing logical And operations: & and &&. Both combine two Boolean expressions and return true only if both expressions are true. Then the & operator compares the results. If they’re both true, the & operator returns true. If one is false or both are false, the & operator returns false.

What is || and && in Java?

Logical operators evaluate the second expression only when necessary. For example, true || anything is always true, so Java does not need to evaluate the expression anything . Likewise, false && anything is always false.

How do I use or in Java?

So the statement ” a equals 5 or a equals 7″ is true. The || operator can only be used, in Java, where a boolean (true or false) expression is expected, such as in an if statement like the above. So pretty much in an if or a conditional operator (that?…: thing, sometimes called the ternary operator).

What does || mean in code?

The logical OR operator ( || ) returns the boolean value true if either or both operands is true and returns false otherwise.

How do you use or in Java?

How does or work in Java?

Logical OR (‘||’): This operator will return true if any one of the left and right operands are true. It will return false when both left and right operands are false. For example, a || b is True.

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