What will happen to a community without teachers?

What will happen to a community without teachers? Answer: When left without the guidance of a teacher, they would become reluctant to do anything related to actual learning or education, they just want to chat, play video games and they end up becoming prey to ignorance and when this happens, a shot at acquiring knowledge […]

How do you tell if a stock is going to rise?

How do you tell if a stock is going to rise? Trading volume indicates the number of shares or contracts traded in the market. It tells if a particular price trend is supported by market players. If the price of a share is increasing with higher than normal volume, it indicates investors support the rally […]

Do teachers flirt?

Do teachers flirt? Some teachers are just playing flirty. When convinced that you really have a teacher that is flirting with you, DO NOT FLIRT BACK. Some students likes to affirm their value through attention, which those flirty teachers provide, and might flirt back. Talk to trusted teachers. Can I be friends with a teacher? […]

Can a PTA become an athletic trainer?

Can a PTA become an athletic trainer? Athletic trainers typically have a bachelor’s degree, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. PTAs are required to have an associate degree in most states. Most states require both professionals to be licensed, and athletic trainers are also required to be certified. How much do athletic trainers […]

What are the consequences of intergroup conflict?

What are the consequences of intergroup conflict? Consequences of Intergroup Conflict The group can become more efficient and effective at what they do, and members can become more loyal, closely following group norms. Problems can occur, however, when the group loses focus of the organization’s goals and becomes closed off from other groups. What is […]

Why is win-win so effective?

Why is win-win so effective? A win-win situation helps to develop humility in you. If you rely on others for your success, then it creates a sense of humbleness that enables you to find a mutual benefit situation. Win-win makes both parties feel satisfied because they believe that neither of them is a winner nor […]

What is Gatsby saying about Daisy in Chapter 7?

What is Gatsby saying about Daisy in Chapter 7? Gatsby says that Daisy’s voice is full of money because Daisy has always lived a life of privilege, and always will. She represents the sophisticated upper crust of the East Egg. How does Daisy Talk Why? Why does Daisy speak in exaggerated phrases? By overdoing her […]

Why do doctors not like Obamacare?

Why do doctors not like Obamacare? The primary criticism doctors have of Obamacare centers around money. It’s estimated that up to 20 percent of people who sign up for ACA plans don’t pay their premiums and lose their coverage after 90 days. Those patients aren’t required to pay their doctors for any services they received […]

Is Limerick city dangerous?

Is Limerick city dangerous? Limerick is often called stab city, that was based on some incidents in the past, I don’t think it’s particularly rough, I haven’t spent much time there though. It’s probably a perfectly nice city with low crime. You don’t really say whether you want to live in the city or out […]

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