What is food security in Kenya? ➢ FAO definition of food security “When all people have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets dietary needs and food preference for an active and healthy life at all times.” ➢ Maize is the main staple food in Kenya. What are the […]
Should I put a finish on my workbench?
Should I put a finish on my workbench? Answer: Most curing wipe-on oil finishes are appropriate for a workbench. Many are linseed oil or tung oil based. Wipe on oils will give some protection without having a “film” appearance to make the surface slick (like a brushed applied varnish /polyurethane would). What is the best […]
Does 1 0 tend to infinity?
Does 1 0 tend to infinity? In mathematics, expressions like 1/0 are undefined. But the limit of the expression 1/x as x tends to zero is infinity. Similarly, expressions like 0/0 are undefined. Thus 1/0 is not infinity and 0/0 is not indeterminate, since division by zero is not defined. What is the value of […]
Can potassium bromide be Electrolysed?
Can potassium bromide be Electrolysed? If the desired products are potassium and bromine, the electrolysis would have to be done on the molten salt. However, if the desired product is bromine and one could tolerate having the potassium in the form of KOH, it might be easier to electrolyze an aqueous solution of KBr. What […]
How do you scan Magic Kinder app?
How do you scan Magic Kinder app? DISCOVER THE WORLD OF APPLAYDU WITH YOUR CHILD! SCAN THE LEAFLET. OPEN THE APP. TAP ON THE CAMERA. SCAN THE LEAFLET. OPEN THE APP. Is Applaydu safe? It is 100% kid-safe, playable offline, has no ads, no in-app purchases, and supports over 18 languages. Applaydu is back in […]
Is fresh squeezed orange juice better for you than store bought?
Is fresh squeezed orange juice better for you than store bought? More Nutritious Than That Store-Bought Stuff Fresh juice contains more vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional compounds like enzymes and flavonoids than the canned or bottled options you find in grocery stores. Is drinking freshly squeezed orange juice as healthy as eating an orange? Although […]
What happens in Season 5 of Little House on the Prairie?
What happens in Season 5 of Little House on the Prairie? Description: Poor financial conditions influence the Ingalls family to move to Winoka when Mary goes there to teach at the Blind School. They meet Albert, an orphan to whom Charles forms an attachment, even though Laura catches him stealing from the hotel that Charles […]
What is a contravention application?
What is a contravention application? Although attending Court should always be viewed as the last resort, often a parent may need to bring a Contravention Application before the Court. As it sounds, a Contravention Application is an application to the Court indicating that the other party isn’t complying with an Order, and seeks Orders to […]
Does spark use HBase?
Does spark use HBase? The Spark-HBase connector leverages Data Source API (SPARK-3247) introduced in Spark-1.2. 0. It bridges the gap between the simple HBase Key Value store and complex relational SQL queries and enables users to perform complex data analytics on top of HBase using Spark. How does HBase integrate with spark? Overall process Prepare […]
What is the carbon RS in GTA?
What is the carbon RS in GTA? Legendary Motorsport description. The Nagasaki Carbon RS is a sport bike featured in Grand Theft Auto V. It is available exclusively to players who bought the Collector’s Edition in the previous gen version. However, it appears as a normal vehicle in the enhanced version. What is the Bati […]