What are the features of VHDL? Features of VHDL. VHDL stand for VHSIC (Very high speed integrated circuits) Hardware description language. 1] It has now become one of electronics industry’s standard language used to describe digital system. 2] con currency. 3] supports sequential statements. 4] supports for test and simulation. 5] strongly typed language. Is […]
What was the maximum Social Security benefit in 2015?
What was the maximum Social Security benefit in 2015? $2,663 per month Social Security beneficiaries will receive a 1.7% cost-of-living increase in 2015, boosting the average monthly benefit for retired workers from $1,306 to $1,328. The maximum Social Security benefit for a worker retiring at full retirement age is increasing from $2,642 per month in […]
What is mini-thoracotomy?
What is mini-thoracotomy? Mini-Thoracotomy Incision. This 3 to 4 inch incision is made between the ribs whereby no bone is cut. Port-access Incision. Robotic instruments are passed through several 1/2 inch incisions between the ribs. What is a mini sternotomy? Mini-Sternotomy for mitral valve replacement/repair incisions are performed through a lower mini-sternotomy, in which a […]
How do I email Frontier?
How do I email Frontier? Use Frontier Yahoo Mail Go to login.frontier.com/webmail. Enter your complete Frontier email address and password. (Your Frontier email address may include Frontier, FrontierNet, Citilink, Newnorth, Epix, or GVNI in its name.) Click Login. Does Frontier use Yahoo Mail? Your Frontier email account is provided through Frontier’s partnership with Yahoo. Yahoo […]
What is a bend in space-time?
What is a bend in space-time? Large objects such as the Sun and planets aren’t the only masses that warp the fabric of space-time. Anything with mass—including your body—bends this four-dimensional cosmic grid. The warp, in turn, creates the effect of gravity, redirecting the path of objects that travel into it. Why does mass bend […]
Can you run Microsoft Project on an IPAD?
Can you run Microsoft Project on an IPAD? The developers have excelled at replicating the familiar MS Project user interface on the iPad. The app allows you to open MS Project plans from a number of cloud locations like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, SharePoint Online, Box, Basecamp. Does Microsoft Project work on iOS? That’s right, […]
How do you find technical papers?
How do you find technical papers? How to find papers when you do your literature review Ask your supervisor where to start. Read up on the basics in a textbook. References from the research proposal. Find a good review paper on your topic. Look for technical reports, theses, code documents etc. Google Scholar. Scopus. ResearchGate. […]
Who is Iqbal chagla?
Why is it important to teach fire safety?
Why is it important to teach fire safety? Informed children are better able to “keep their cool” when fire strikes because they know what to expect and what action to take. Equally important is educating children about how they can help to prevent fires. By learning about fire hazards, your children can reduce the risk […]