What is PS3 native resolution?

What is PS3 native resolution? Just because Sony has been pushing HD gaming, that doesn’t mean you will get it. Here’s why you won’t be enjoying games in your TV’s native resolution: “PS3 games render images at either 720p or 1080p for High Definition, and you need 720p input on the TV to play select […]

Who invented arithmetic progressions?

Who invented arithmetic progressions? Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss Answer– Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss is the father of Arithmetic Progression. He found it when he was in school and his teacher asked to sum the integers from 1 to 100. What is the history of arithmetic sequence? Arithmetic progressions were first found in the Ahmes Papyrus […]

What does dollar diplomacy mean?

What does dollar diplomacy mean? Definition of dollar diplomacy 1 : diplomacy used by a country to promote its financial or commercial interests abroad. 2 : diplomacy that seeks to strengthen the power of a country or effect its purposes in foreign relations by the use of its financial resources. What does substituting dollars for […]

Why is underdosing bad?

Why is underdosing bad? CONCLUSION. Medication underprescribing and underdosing can result in adverse patient outcomes including polypharmacy, ADRs, emergency room visits, and hospital admissions. Pharmacists have a role in educating healthcare providers and patients regarding appropriate medication dosing and utilization. What happens when you Underdose? Underdosing occurs when a patient takes less of a medication […]

What type of phone does T-Mobile use?

What type of phone does T-Mobile use? AT and T-Mobile use GSM. Most of the rest of the world uses GSM. The global spread of GSM came about because in 1987, Europe mandated the technology by law, and because GSM comes from an industry consortium. What we call CDMA, by and large, is owned by […]

What do you put on top of brussel sprouts?

What do you put on top of brussel sprouts? First and foremost, roasted Brussels sprouts are a delicious side dish. Serve them plain, simply seasoned with olive oil, salt, and pepper, or dress them up! Drizzle them with a bit of balsamic vinegar or lemon juice and toss them with feta or Parmesan cheese, herbs, […]

Can you eat Passiflora foetida?

Can you eat Passiflora foetida? The Passiflora foetida, common in south Florida, has red fruit as is edible as well, quite tasty with very thin skin. Oddly, while native to North America, Maypops are far more popular in Europe. Americans used make jelly out of them, Native Americans cooked the leaves in fat. Is Passiflora […]

How do I find my PCI vendor ID?

How do I find my PCI vendor ID? 1 Answer iterate over directories in /sys/bus/pci/devices with readdir_r. for each directory. open the uevent file from inside that directory. read lines from the file until PCI_ID is found. if found. basically match the line with sscanf(line, “PCI_ID=%4x:%4x\n”, &vendor_id, &device_id) How do I find vendor ID? To […]

How do I get a recycling bin in Livonia MI?

How do I get a recycling bin in Livonia MI? Curbside Recycling Program If you’re interested in purchasing a recycling cart on wheels, contact GFL at (844) 464-3587. How do you dispose of paint in Livonia? Livonia residents can drop off their Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and Electronic Waste (E-Waste) from March 1 to the […]

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