Can you eat Passiflora foetida?

Can you eat Passiflora foetida? The Passiflora foetida, common in south Florida, has red fruit as is edible as well, quite tasty with very thin skin. Oddly, while native to North America, Maypops are far more popular in Europe. Americans used make jelly out of them, Native Americans cooked the leaves in fat. Is Passiflora […]

How do I find my PCI vendor ID?

How do I find my PCI vendor ID? 1 Answer iterate over directories in /sys/bus/pci/devices with readdir_r. for each directory. open the uevent file from inside that directory. read lines from the file until PCI_ID is found. if found. basically match the line with sscanf(line, “PCI_ID=%4x:%4x\n”, &vendor_id, &device_id) How do I find vendor ID? To […]

Are language immersion programs worth it?

Are language immersion programs worth it? Thus, if you are contemplating sending your child to an immersion school, it may be a huge advantage for fluency in a foreign language. In essence, research shows that a full immersion program not only teaches students a foreign language, it strengthens their understanding of their native language as […]

What is UDP on router?

What is UDP on router? The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is used by apps to deliver a faster stream of information by doing away with error-checking. How do I forward TCP to UDP? Set Up Port Forwarding Log in to the router as admin. Locate the port forwarding options. Type the port number or port […]

What was the slogan of the American Revolution?

What was the slogan of the American Revolution? “No taxation without representation” is a political slogan that originated in the American Revolution, and which expressed one of the primary grievances of the American colonists against Great Britain. Why is it called the American Revolution? The American Revolution—also called the U.S. War of Independence—was the insurrection […]

Does Sky Cinema give you Sky Movies?

Does Sky Cinema give you Sky Movies? What do I get? NOW Cinema Membership gives you over 1000 movies to watch on demand, and access to all the Sky Cinema channels: Sky Cinema Select, Sci Fi & Horror, Premiere, Hits, Action, Thriller, Greats, Family, Drama, Comedy and Animation. What channel is Sky Cinema HD? Sky […]

What is B1 life in reliability?

What is B1 life in reliability? B10 life – the subscript of B, which stands for bearing, refers to the % of failure. Thus B10 means 10% failure or 90% reliability, B1 means 99% reliability. However, it is a common practice to use B designation only for 90% reliability. What is B1 life? A value […]

How do you unlock Card-Jitsu cards on Club Penguin?

How do you unlock Card-Jitsu cards on Club Penguin? These allow you to use different cards in Card-Jitsu. Click “Done” and you will have your items!…Card Codes. CODE Limit (Time/Use Amount) Date (d/m/y) gmKyntGW 500 (uses) 09/06/18 xCwfbngH 400 (uses) 08/06/18 xZpeHfPA 400 (uses) 07/06/18 jpNgtqVK 400 (uses) 06/06/18 How do you beat Card-Jitsu on […]

What is a full body compound workout?

What is a full body compound workout? Compound exercises are exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. For example, a squat is a compound exercise that works the quadriceps, glutes, and calves. You can also do compound exercises that combine two exercises into one move to target even more muscles (for example, […]

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