What does the amygdala do in psychology?

What does the amygdala do in psychology? The amygdalae, a pair of small almond-shaped regions deep in the brain, help regulate emotion and encode memories—especially when it comes to more emotional remembrances. What are the main functions of the amygdala? The main job of the amygdala is to regulate emotions, such as fear and aggression. […]

What are unionists and nationalists in Ireland?

What are unionists and nationalists in Ireland? Unionists and loyalists, who for historical reasons were mostly Ulster Protestants, wanted Northern Ireland to remain within the United Kingdom. Irish nationalists and republicans, who were mostly Irish Catholics, wanted Northern Ireland to leave the United Kingdom and join a united Ireland. What is the difference between unionists […]

How strong is Albright knot?

How strong is Albright knot? The Albright special or Albright knot is a bend used in angling. It is a strong knot used to tie two different diameters of line together, for instance to tie monofilament to braid. The Albright is relatively smooth and passes through guides when required…. Albright Special Releasing Jamming Typical use […]

Can you change availability at work?

Can you change availability at work? Provide as much notice as you possibly can. As a rule of thumb, let your employer know about your change in availability as soon as you know yourself. Oftentimes, your employer expects 30 days’ notice for major scheduled events that affect your availability, such as a surgery or a […]

Why is the Lego movie rated Au?

Why is the Lego movie rated Au? Nudity and sexual activity There is some partial nudity in this movie, including: There are multiple references to a ‘Pantless Man’ game show. It shows a Lego piece without any pants on and an audience laughing at the man. Why is Lego movie rated PG? While it’s rated […]

What is FHA fixed rate?

What is FHA fixed rate? A mortgage where the interest rate remains the same through the term of the loan and fully amortizes is known as a fixed rate mortgage. Since the interest rate remains constant, monthly payments don’t change. Fixed rate mortgages come with terms of 15 or 30 years. Are FHA interest rates […]

Does menopause make you absent minded?

Does menopause make you absent minded? It’s normal to be forgetful as you age and go through menopause. Normal occurrences may include losing your keys, forgetting why you entered a room, or having a name slip your mind. If your menopause symptoms are severe, though, you may want to talk to your doctor about low-dose […]

Why is my DIRECTV remote not working RC73?

Why is my DIRECTV remote not working RC73? To reset the RC73 remote: -Press and hold mute and select until the light blinks. -After releasing mute and select, type the numbers “9, 8, 1” in that order. -You should see the light blink again on the remote after typing the above 3 numbers. How do […]

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