How much does super return each year?

How much does super return each year? Over the past 28 years, Growth funds have returned 8.1% per year on average and the CPI has averaged 2.4% per year, giving a real return of 5.7%….Super fund performance: Calendar years (1993 to 2020) Calendar year Return (%) 2019 14.7% 2018 0.8% 2017 10.8% 2016 7.5% Which […]

Are cell phones a necessary evil?

Are cell phones a necessary evil? Mobiles can damage the brain as well. You are no more secure, as your social life will be completely destroyed. No personal distances, no privacy at all, as anyone can dig into your life through social sites. It can also leads to wrong practices also like hacking the data, […]

Where did Uncle Remus get his stories from?

Where did Uncle Remus get his stories from? The stories are written in an eye dialect devised by Harris to represent a Deep South Black dialect. Uncle Remus is a compilation of Br’er Rabbit storytellers whom Harris had encountered during his time at the Turnwold Plantation. What is the Disney connection to the book Uncle […]

When did the Hardy Boyz win tag team titles?

When did the Hardy Boyz win tag team titles? June 29th 1999 On June 29th 1999 on Monday Night Raw, which aired July 5th, The Hardy Boyz won the WWF Tag Team Championships from The Acolytes, Bradshaw and Faarooq. Who won most Tag Team Championship? The team with the most reigns is The Dudley Boyz […]

Does Aerie have good workout clothes?

Does Aerie have good workout clothes? That’s why we’ve made workout tops from those 5 amazing fabrics. Our core fabrics are designed with movement and attention to detail in mind! Our Real Me fabric is our number one fabric with 360° stretch and an amazing, weightless, second-skin feel. Our Real Me Tank is the ideal […]

What should a 2.5 month old baby be doing?

What should a 2.5 month old baby be doing? Your baby can probably bring his hands together. His hands will be open most of the time now, and he likes opening and shutting them. He’s also starting to use his hands and eyes together and might even reach for your face or swing his hands […]

How many stitches should a beret have?

How many stitches should a beret have? There are 63 stitches in total. Repeat rows 8 and 9 until this section measures approximately 5.11 in (13 cm), from the CO edge, ending with an odd row. Thread the darning needle, leaving a long tail, and pass it through each stitch, to close the little circle. […]

Is 91 octane premium gas ethanol-free?

Is 91 octane premium gas ethanol-free? All gasoline brands have both pure and ethanol-containing gasoline under the same brand names. For example, Shell V-Power ranges from 91 to 93 octane both with and without added ethanol. It just varies from station to station, and it’s up to the station owner whether or not to sell […]

How do you insert a background image in HTML?

How do you insert a background image in HTML? The most common & simple way to add background image is using the background image attribute inside the tag. The background attribute which we specified in the tag is not supported in HTML5. Using CSS properties, we can also add background image in a webpage. Why […]

Can hip dysplasia be diagnosed before birth?

Can hip dysplasia be diagnosed before birth? Most people with hip dysplasia are born with the condition. Doctors will check your baby for signs of hip dysplasia shortly after birth and during well-baby visits. If hip dysplasia is diagnosed in early infancy, a soft brace can usually correct the problem. What is mild hip dysplasia […]

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