What happens when you eat too much protein?

What happens when you eat too much protein? Eating too much protein can worsen kidney problems, and over time can cause symptoms like bad breath, indigestion and dehydration. Certain sources of protein like meat, dairy, and processed foods can increase the risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease and cancer. What happens if you eat […]

What area of Earth is most at risk for a tsunami?

What area of Earth is most at risk for a tsunami? Scientists estimate that almost three quarter of the world tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean, where the megathrusts (subduction zones) are so common (Aleutian Islands, Alaska, Chile, Philippines, Japan etc). What are 3 areas in the world that have a high risk of tsunamis? […]

What salary is the 1%?

What salary is the 1%? The threshold for being among California’s 1% is $659,503, higher than in all but four other states. Among the top 1% of earners in the state, the average annual income is $2.2 million. How many people make over $500000 a year? The top 1% represents about 1.3 million households who […]

Is St Helena CA expensive?

Is St Helena CA expensive? Helena is more expensive than the United States average and earns a score of 1 out of 10. A cost of housing score of 1 indicates most expensive while a 10 represents cheapest. Is St Helena CA Safe? Helena ranks No. 24 out of 92 small cities according to a […]

How do I change the language in Outlook 2007?

How do I change the language in Outlook 2007? How to: Change the default language in Outlook 2007. Assuming that you’re using Word as your default email editor, Go to Tools, Options, Mail Format, Editor Options, Language Settings, Open Primary editing lanugage and select your preferred language. How do I change my outlook language to […]

How do you conquer in grepolis?

How do you conquer in grepolis? To take over a city you require a Colony Ship (also referred to as a CS). This unit is built in the Harbour, and becomes available once it has been researched. You will also need sufficient amount of troops escorting your CS to secure your victory both by land […]

How do I force my HP to factory reset?

How do I force my HP to factory reset? Turn on your HP laptop, then immediately press the F11 key repeatedly until the Choose an option screen appears. Click Troubleshoot. Click Reset this PC. Select an option, Keep my files or Remove everything. How do I wipe Windows XP without CD? How to Wipe a […]

What is no-harm view?

What is no-harm view? The principle according to which states must ensure that activities within their jurisdiction do not cause significant cross-boundary environmental damage (the ‘no-harm’ principle) constitutes the cornerstone of international environmental law. What is transboundary environmental harm? Transboundary environmental harm commonly takes one of three forms: air pollution, pollution of a transboundary watercourse, […]

Who started the Guggenheim Museum?

Who started the Guggenheim Museum? Frank Lloyd Wright Solomon R. GuggenheimPeggy Guggenheim Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum/Founders Why was Guggenheim Museum Bilbao built? The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao was built between October 1993 and October 1997 and the site chosen, on a former wharf with port and industrial use on a curve of the Nervión, represented recovery […]

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