Which is more accurate armpit or mouth temperature?

Which is more accurate armpit or mouth temperature? Temperatures taken from the armpit are usually the least accurate. For older children and adults, oral readings are usually accurate — as long as the mouth is closed while the thermometer is in place. How do I check my armpit temperature with a thermometer? Axillary method (under […]

How do you sew Seifuku?

How do you sew Seifuku? The collar gets sandwiched in between the seifuku body and the facing, and all of it gets sewn together. Then, I clip notches along the curve and turn the facing in so it’s hidden inside. The raw edge should be hidden inside once the facing is turned in. What is […]

What is a monoid in algebra?

What is a monoid in algebra? A monoid is a set that is closed under an associative binary operation and has an identity element such that for all , . Note that unlike a group, its elements need not have inverses. It can also be thought of as a semigroup with an identity element. What […]

How do you roll in Star Fox SNES?

How do you roll in Star Fox SNES? In the original Star Fox game), the player must press L or R button twice to do a Barrel Roll. In Star Fox 64, the player must press either the Z or R button twice to execute a Barrel Roll. In Star Fox Adventures, the player must […]

How do I vectorize a logo in Photoshop?

How do I vectorize a logo in Photoshop? Go ahead and open up your PNG file with Photoshop and we’ll get started….Vectorize a PNG Logo with Photoshop Step 1: Create A Selection Around Your Logo. Step 2: Convert Your Selection To Working Paths. Step 3: Export The Paths To An Illustrator File. Step 4: Tweak […]

What does being a Casanova mean?

What does being a Casanova mean? : a man known for seducing women and having many lovers Women were terribly charmed by him; a veritable Casanova, he had five wives and literally dozens of mistresses …— How can a girl be Casanova? Casanova was the life of the party, and he did this by winning […]

Which PC browser is the fastest?

Which PC browser is the fastest? Opera is deemed as the fastest browser of 2021 and also recommended for being one of the safest options apart from all-time favorite Google Chrome. What is the fastest browser for a slow computer? 8 Best Browsers for Old and Slow Computers K-Meleon. K-Meleon is probably one of the […]

What type of electric heater is most efficient?

What type of electric heater is most efficient? Heat Pumps They are one of the most energy efficient heating options you can buy. Although all electric heat is 100 percent efficient, these heaters can actually use heat from the environment to provide warmth to your home, which in some cases means you get more heat […]

Is chocolate milk a good source of protein?

Is chocolate milk a good source of protein? Chocolate milk is rich in protein, which helps build muscle mass. Several studies have also found that drinking chocolate milk significantly increases endurance, which helps you keep exercising longer. Is drinking chocolate milk good for you? Chocolate milk provides important nutrients — such as calcium, protein, and […]

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