Is it wrack your brain or rack your brain? The spelling ‘rack’ is now used in all senses except for the seaweed called wrack. So it’s “rack and ruin,” … “racking my brains,” and so on. Some other usage guides provide a way of dealing with this question that has a certain brutal charm: just […]
Is a school bus conversion worth it?
How do you calculate concrete slurry?
How do you calculate concrete slurry? Calculate Water Requirement and Cement Yield as per Cement Slurry The cement formula given from town is listed below: Determine requirement (gal/sack), yield of cement. Volume = Weight x Absolute Volume. Total weight per sack of cement =94+32.9+1.0267+5.825+8.33k = 133.7517 + 8.33k. What is slurry for concrete? It is […]
What does fire represent in Wide Sargasso Sea?
What does fire represent in Wide Sargasso Sea? Fire is the ultimate destructive and redemptive force in the novel. The fire at Coulibri is an act of retribution and defiance on the part of the nearby black community, but it destroys the life that Antoinette has known as a child. Who set coulibri on fire? […]
How did Dumbledore die in Harry Potter?
How did Dumbledore die in Harry Potter? He was the wielder and the master of the Elder Wand from 1945 until 1997, and considered by many as the greatest Hogwarts Headmaster. As he was about to die by a cursed ring, Dumbledore planned his own death with Severus Snape. Per the plan, Dumbledore was killed […]
Is Wado Ryu Karate?
Is Wado Ryu Karate? Wadō-ryū (和道流) is one of the four major karate styles and was founded by Hironori Otsuka (1892-1982). The style itself places emphasis on not only striking, but tai sabaki, joint locks and throws. What is the best style of karate for self Defence? Shotokan Karate is hands-down the most popular style […]
How do you make a fire in Runescape?
How do you make a fire in Runescape? To make a fire, players need logs, which can be obtained through the Woodcutting skill, by cutting trees. The logs can then be lit on fire using a tinderbox (or a bow on partial completion of the barbarian training). Why is firemaking a skill Runescape? Firemaking jingle […]
What are the best heavy tanks in WOT?
What did Pepper Potts say to Tony Stark?
What did Pepper Potts say to Tony Stark? Pepper tells him, “You can rest now,” and gives him a kiss. The script notes, “When she pulls back she sees his eyes, fixed and glassy. Everything goes quiet. All around, OUR HEROES GATHER, the full weight of what’s happened dawning on them. What is the strength […]
How much is a 1926 Essex worth?
How much is a 1926 Essex worth? Average Retail Value It could be an older restoration or a well-maintained original vehicle. Completely operable. The exterior paint, trim and mechanics are presentable and serviceable inside and out. A “20-footer”. How much does a Hudson Hornet cost? A: The lowest recorded sale price was $2,600 for a […]