What are podded broad beans?

What are podded broad beans? Double podding, or double shelling, broad beans is the process by which you remove the tough outer skins, exposing the beautifully tender bright green beans. If you think you don’t like broad beans you’ve probably only had the slightly chewy, greyish un-podded beans and you should definitely give this a […]

What is the waka of Ngati Porou?

What is the waka of Ngati Porou? Nukutaimemeha We of Ngati Porou claim that when Maui fished up the North Island, his waka “Nukutaimemeha” was cradled on the top of our ancestral mountain –Hikurangi, where it still rests today in te roto o Hine Takawhiti. What iwi is Ruatoria? Ruatoria Ruatoria Rua-a-Tōrea (Māori) Region Gisborne […]

What is fall like in New Brunswick?

What is fall like in New Brunswick? Snowfalls are abundant: generally, 2-3 meters (6.5/10 feet) of snow fall per year, although in Grand Maran, the southernmost island, it drops below 2 meters (6.5 ft). The province is fairly flat, although in the interior there are hills, the highest point of which is Mount Carleton, 820 […]

How much does male circumcision cost in South Africa?

How much does male circumcision cost in South Africa? The current direct labor unit costs for male circumcision are estimated to be $56.60 (R613). However, if the doctors were replaced by professional nurses, this could be reduced to $47.18 (R511) per circumcision, a saving of $9.41 (R102), representing 17% of direct labor costs (or 7% […]

What is the best software for sending bulk emails?

What is the best software for sending bulk emails? List of 10 Best Bulk Email Software SendinBlue. This hassle-free bulk email sender software to send bulk emails is an excellent choice for small businesses. SendBlaster. SendBlaster has been a popular option for years as the bulk email software. MailChimp. Thunder Mailer. AWeber. Mad Mimi. VerticalResponse. […]

Can inventory be expensed?

Can inventory be expensed? Inventory Cost as Expense The cost of the inventory becomes an expense when a business earns revenue by selling its products/ services to the customers. The cost of inventories flows as expenses into the cost of goods sold(COGS) and is shown as expenses items in the income statement. How do you […]

Can they touch you at Blood Manor?

Can they touch you at Blood Manor? The cast of Blood Manor is trained not to touch any patron. Likewise, you will be instructed not to touch any actor or any of the props or decorations in the Manor. If you do, you will be immediately removed from the attraction by security personnel with no […]

Is IFoS better than IAS?

Is IFoS better than IAS? Even though the IAS has better visibility in India and undoubtedly great prestige associated with it, the IFoS is also a lucrative career option for those interested in government service. There are no good or bad choices here, and it all really depends on the individual’s interests and aptitude. Is […]

What is Depacon used for?

What is Depacon used for? Depacon is indicated as monotherapy and adjunctive therapy in the treatment of patients with complex partial seizures that occur either in isolation or in association with other types of seizures. What is valproate used for? About sodium valproate Sodium valproate is used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder. It’s occasionally […]

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