Which phone should I buy 2020?

Which phone should I buy 2020? The best phones you can buy today iPhone 12 Pro Max. The best phone overall. OnePlus 9 Pro. The best phone for Android fans. Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. Samsung’s best phone. iPhone 12 Pro. Another top Apple phone. Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra. The best Android phone for productivity. […]

How can we prevent high crime rates?

How can we prevent high crime rates? Five ways to reduce crime Use and expand drug courts. Make use of DNA evidence. Help ex-offenders find secure living-wage employment. Monitor public surveillance cameras. Connect returning prisoners to stable housing. What do police communicate with? Police radio is a communications radio system used by law enforcement agencies […]

How does close reading help students?

How does close reading help students? By doing a close reading, students are able to delve deeper into a text and analyze, interpret, and infer using a variety of literacy skills. While students closely read, they are understanding the purpose for reading that text. What is first reading and second reading? First Reading is the […]

How can you promote healthy nutrition?

How can you promote healthy nutrition? Encourage Healthy Eating Habits Eat breakfast every day. Plan healthy meals and eat together as a family. Buy and serve more fruits and vegetables (fresh, frozen, or canned). Buy fewer soft drinks and high fat/high calorie snack foods like chips, cookies, and candy. What are 5 benefits of physical […]

What does 10 more minutes mean?

What does 10 more minutes mean? 10 more minute means thag you need an extra 10 minutes to complete something. What can we do in 1 minute? 40 Things You Can Do in One Minute or Less that Will Make Your Life That Much Better Make your bed. Go around your house and pick up […]

What are the types of human wants?

What are the types of human wants? Human wants can be classified into three categories necessaries, comforts and luxuries. Necessaries: Necessaries refer to the basic or primary wants for food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education, etc. Comforts: Comforts refer to the goods and services which make life easier and comfortable. Luxuries: What is the most […]

Why is hufflepuff a bad reputation?

Why is hufflepuff a bad reputation? Hufflepuff has a bad reputation because Helga Hufflepuff took everyone into her house. She didn’t really single out people. Therefore, people think that they’re not special because they got sorted into a “normal” house. What’s the worst Hogwarts house? Hufflepuff How many years did it take to write Harry […]

Is teaching a female dominated profession?

Is teaching a female dominated profession? Women are considerably over-represented in the teaching profession. Recent data show, among recent Australian university graduates, 97% of pre-primary teachers, 85% of primary teachers and 68% of secondary teachers are female. Similarly, large proportions of women in teaching are also observed across the OECD. Who thought the first teacher? […]

Can there be learning without teaching?

Can there be learning without teaching? Yes, students are responsible for learning. Teachers cannot learn anything for them. Learners don’t need teachers the same way teachers need learners. Learning can occur without a teacher, but teaching in the absence of learners is an activity without justification, it seems to me. Are you born with qualities? […]

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