What is a premature atrial contraction? Premature atrial contractions (PACs) are extra heartbeats that begin in one of your heart’s two upper chambers (atria). These extra beats disrupt your regular heart rhythm. They are a type of heart arrhythmia. What is the most common cause for atrial premature contractions? Most people will experience PACs at […]
What is leverage in a hedge fund?
What is leverage in a hedge fund? Leverage amplifies or dampens market risk and allows funds to obtain notional exposure at levels greater than their capital base. Leverage is often employed by hedge funds to target a level of return volatility desired by investors. How do hedge funds measure leverage? The first and most conservative […]
What is the advantage of a dive bomber?
What is the advantage of a dive bomber? Diving towards the target simplifies the bomb’s trajectory and allows the pilot to keep visual contact throughout the bomb run. This allows attacks on point targets and ships, which were difficult to attack with conventional level bombers, even en masse. Why do dive bombers make that noise? […]
Is JoJo taking over for Chris Harrison?
Is JoJo taking over for Chris Harrison? Avid fans of The Bachelorette were treated to a familiar face on the show’s most recent episode – former Bachelorette Joelle Fletcher, better known by her nickname JoJo, took over Chris Harrison’s hosting duties when Harrison had to leave set this summer. Why is JoJo filling in for […]
How thick should rappelling rope be?
How thick should rappelling rope be? With proper technique and some practice, you can rappel on ropes as thin as 5-6mm. This is tough to do, however, and it often requires the use of either specialized devices, carabiners to add friction, or sturdy backup knots. For that reason, I wouldn’t recommend rappelling off of anything […]
What is the vertex of an angle example?
What controllers do fighting game players use?
What controllers do fighting game players use? Mad Catz Ego. See on Amazon. Qanba Drone. See on Amazon. Razer Atrox. See on Amazon. Victrix Pro Arcade FS Arcade Fight Stick. See on Amazon. Hori Fighting Stick Alpha. See on Amazon. 8BitDo Arcade Stick. See on Amazon. Hit Box. See on Hit Box. Mixbox Universal Edition. […]
Which lotro server is most populated?
Which lotro server is most populated? Arkenstone Arkenstone is the most populated and the most popular server in LOTRO. Does lord of the rings online have PvP? Bree-town and Gondamon are safe zones that won’t allow PvP, and the whole conflict is going to be limited to Eriador with a level cap of 50. Players […]
How do you tell when dehydrated jerky is done?
How do you tell when dehydrated jerky is done? The dry strip should exhibit a firm, flexible form that can easily bend completely back on itself without snapping. Dried jerky should not be crumbly but instead displays a leathery texture that tastes palatably chewy. How long should jerky sit after dehydrating? While jerky will typically […]
What are the three types of relief?
What are the three types of relief? There are 3 basic types of relief sculpture: low relief (or bas-relief), whereby the motifs are only slightly raised above the surface; high relief (or alto-relief), whereby the sculpture projects at least half or more of its natural circumference from the background; and sunken relief (incised, coelanaglyphic, or […]