How old is a PowerBook G4? Aluminum PowerBook G4 An aluminum PowerBook G4 with a 17-inch screen Developer Apple Computer, Inc. Release date January 7, 2003 Discontinued February 28, 2006 (15″) April 24, 2006 (17″) May 16, 2006 (12″) CPU PowerPC G4, 867 MHz – 1.67 GHz Can a PowerBook G4 be upgraded? The processor […]
Can LBC send abroad?
Can LBC send abroad? You miss out on birthdays, holidays, and numerous special occasions. Make them feel your love from abroad with Balikbayan box shipping services from LBC. We can safely and securely transport your packages, documents, and goods through sea and air, so they reach your loved ones in time for those big events. […]
What is digital signage technology?
What is digital signage technology? Digital signage, sometimes called electronic signage, refers to display technologies like LED walls (or video walls), projection and LCD monitors to vividly display webpages, videos, directions, restaurant menus, marketing messages or digital images. How do you use CMS on XIBO? Starts here14:26Xibo easyCMS – Tutorial & Introduction Training – YouTubeYouTubeStart […]
Can you run Apple Configurator on a PC?
Can you run Apple Configurator on a PC? Can I Use Apple Configurator? The strict answer is ‘no’. Apple Configurator software is only for macOS; Apple does not distribute a Windows version. Can I use Apple Configurator 2 on a PC? No, Apple Configurator is available for OS X only. iPhone Configuration Utility is available […]
What do you call someone who is bad at golf?
How do I list my firewall ports?
How do I list my firewall ports? The command sudo firewall-cmd –list-all, shows you the whole Firewalld configuration. The services allowed to have open ports are listed as you can see from the screenshot below. The open ports are listed as you can see from the screenshot below. That’s how you list open ports in […]
Como e o treino de hipertrofia feminino a seguir?
Como é o treino de hipertrofia feminino a seguir? É justamente o treino pesado visando hipertrofia que vai lhe ajudar a chegar lá da maneira mais rápida possível. Com isto em mente, o treino de hipertrofia feminino a seguir tem como objetivo treinar a parte superior do corpo em um dia e a inferior em […]
What sociological theory explains unemployment?
What sociological theory explains unemployment? From a sociological perspective, unemployment can be studied through both the Functionalist Theory and Conflict Theory. It also touches upon the results of unemployment in societies and institutions such as family, education, government, and health. What is the sociological perspective? The Sociological Perspective The basic insight of sociology is that […]
Como se usa la harina de garbanzo?
¿Cómo se usa la harina de garbanzo? ¿Para qué se usa la harina de garbanzo? Se utiliza principalmente como sustituto del huevo en dietas veganas o en intolerantes. Además, es genial para celíacos porque no contiene gluten y se puede utilizar casi como si fuese una harina de trigo normal, para hacer masas y panes […]