What does APD stand for? Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a hearing problem that affects about 3%–5% of school-aged children. Kids with this condition, also known as central auditory processing disorder (CAPD), can’t understand what they hear in the same way other kids do. What does APD stand for in billing? It is the responsibility […]
Will I gain weight on loestrin?
Will I gain weight on loestrin? Lo Loestrin Fe may cause weight gain as a side effect. Talk to your doctor if this is a concern for you. Some women gain weight on birth control due to increased appetite, while others gain weight due to water retention. Is Lo Loestrin Fe good for endometriosis? Lo […]
What is Section drawing?
What is Section drawing? A ‘section drawing’, ‘section’ or ‘sectional drawing’ shows a view of a structure as though it had been sliced in half or cut along another imaginary plane. Plan drawings are in fact a type of section, but they cut through the building on a horizontal rather than vertical plane. What is […]
How do I get the Fox News App on my iPad?
What is the main occupation of Japan?
What is the main occupation of Japan? 1.1 Employed persons by occupation(10 major groups) “Craftsman, mining, manufacturing and construction workers and laborers” was the largest group, 19.31 million persons or 30.1% out of the total employed persons aged 15 and over in Japan. What happened to post war Japan? After Japan surrendered in 1945, ending […]
Where do Pignoli come from?
Where do Pignoli come from? Pine nuts or pignoli are tiny seeds from one species of pine tree that grows in Italy, China, Spain, Portugal and Australia. When I used to shop for pine nuts, I wondered why they were so expensive, until I learned that they are normally harvested by hand. How much pine […]
What is Arduino switch?
What is Arduino switch? An if statement allows you to choose between two discrete options, TRUE or FALSE. When there are more than two options, you can use multiple if statements, or you can use the switch statement. Switch allows you to choose between several discrete options. Can I use if statement in switch case? […]
Can you be denied a job because of diabetes?
Can you be denied a job because of diabetes? An employer can’t refuse to hire you based solely on your diabetes. In fact, you don’t even have a legal obligation to tell a prospective employer about your condition. Once you’ve been hired, the ADA also requires your employer to provide reasonable accommodations. Is diabetes covered […]
Why did Stalin exile Trotsky?
Why did Stalin exile Trotsky? Trotsky and other Soviet leaders were tried in 1906 on charges of supporting an armed rebellion. On 4 October 1906 he was convicted and sentenced to internal exile to Siberia. What did Trotsky believe in? Trotsky self-identified as an orthodox Marxist, a revolutionary Marxist, and Bolshevik–Leninist, a follower of Marx, […]
Does the Sony RX100 II have a viewfinder?
Does the Sony RX100 II have a viewfinder? Viewfinder. Unlike the RX100, the Sony RX100 II can accept an external, electronic viewfinder. It’s not included in the kit, but the optional viewfinder accessory will give the RX100 II a more SLR-like feel when in use. However, it’s going to be a much tougher sell for […]