What is the time complexity of DFS If an adjacency matrix is used?

What is the time complexity of DFS If an adjacency matrix is used? The site http://web.eecs.utk.edu/~huangj/CS302S04/notes/graph-searching.html describes that when an adjacency list is used then, DFS and BFS have complexity O(V+E), and if an adjacency matrix is used, the complexity is O(V2). What is the time complexity of adjacency matrix? I am reading “Algorithms Design” […]

Which app is best for sharing files in iPhone?

Which app is best for sharing files in iPhone? Shareit: Probably the most commonly used File sharing app on iPhone, Shareit has proven itself trustworthy time and again. Zapya: Earning immense popularity with it’s users, Zapya offers easy file sharing. Send Anywhere: Dropbox: Superbeam: WeTransfer: Droplr: Pushbullet: What is the best app for File Sharing? […]

Will Sesame Street Live tour again?

Will Sesame Street Live tour again? Unfortunately there are no concert dates for Sesame Street scheduled in 2021. How long is the Sesame Street Live Let’s party show? 150 minutes The combined times of the pre-show experience, the 30-minute break between the end of the pre-show experience and the beginning of the main show, and […]

What does machina mean in Greek?

What does machina mean in Greek? a god from a machine Did you know? The New Latin term deus ex machina is a translation of a Greek phrase and means literally “a god from a machine.” “Machine,” in this case, refers to the crane that held a god over the stage in ancient Greek and […]

What glue is as strong as a weld?

What glue is as strong as a weld? Another option for gluing metal is Loctite Epoxy Weld Bonding Compound. A convenient alternative to welding, it’s the strongest solution for bonding most metals, including iron, steel, aluminum, brass, copper, and pewter. Can you use glue instead of welding? High-performance structural adhesives can form resilient bonds and […]

What is the pathophysiology of Brugada syndrome?

What is the pathophysiology of Brugada syndrome? Brugada syndrome (BrS) has originally been described as an autosomal-dominant inherited arrhythmic disorder characterized by ST elevation with successive negative T wave in the right precordial leads without structural cardiac abnormalities. 1, 2 Patients are at risk for sudden cardiac death (SCD) due to ventricular fibrillation (VF). Which […]

Is Hebrew hard to learn for English speakers?

Is Hebrew hard to learn for English speakers? Hebrew isn’t a particularly difficult language to learn. The verb tenses are quite simple compared to Spanish (my mother tongue) and English, the pronunciation is easy, and it’s mostly a “logical” language. How long does it take to learn Hebrew fluently? Originally Answered: How long does it […]

What Spanish girl name means beautiful?

What Spanish girl name means beautiful? Hermosa Hermosa, means “beautiful” What Spanish name means queen? Reina Reina. This beautiful name simply means “queen” in Spanish. It’s derived from the Latin name Regina. What is a Spanish name for a girl? These 10 names are among the top Spanish girl names in Latin America and the […]

What does the company executive officer do?

What does the company executive officer do? Broadly speaking, a chief executive officer’s primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a company, acting as the main point of communication between the board of directors and corporate operations. What means executive officer? executive officer in American English noun. 1. […]

Is Ukraine a good place for a holiday?

Is Ukraine a good place for a holiday? Ukraine is great for budget travelers. You can really get your money’s worth. It is definitely one of the least expensive European countries I have visited and Kiev (Kyiv), the capital of Ukraine, is ranked as one of the “cheapest” capitals in Europe. What are best cities […]

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