What is manuscript formatting?

What is manuscript formatting? Standard manuscript format is a formatting style for manuscripts of short stories, novels, poems and other literary works. Manuscript formatting depends greatly on the type of work that is being written, as well as the individual publisher, editor or producer. Should a child learn cursive writing? By having to learn cursive […]

Is the tax penalty for Obamacare still in effect?

Is the tax penalty for Obamacare still in effect? According to healthcare.gov, the penalty for 2018 (paid when you filed 2018’s taxes in 2019) was $695 per adult or 2.5% of your taxable income – whichever was greater! Now that the individual mandate has been repealed there is no federal tax penalty for forgoing coverage […]

Is central idea and main idea the same?

Is central idea and main idea the same? The main idea is what something is mostly about. Main ideas are typically found in a literary passage. Central ideas are found in an informational text. The theme is the lesson or message that the writer wants to get across in his or her story. Which of […]

What publication details should go into the bibliography?

What publication details should go into the bibliography? The exact details depend on the type of the source and the citation style, but generally should include a minimal set of elements, for example: Journal articles: author(s) of article, publication year, (article title), journal name, volume number(issue number), pagination, (Digital Object Identifier or URL). What does […]

What are soft management skills?

What are soft management skills? Here are the 6 most important leadership soft skills that you need to teach your employees to help them become more efficient executives and better team managers. Communication. Teamwork. Decision-Making. Problem-Solving. Empowerment. Empathy. Increased Productivity. Improved Office Culture. How do you write a law essay for a level? How to […]

What qualities do you dislike in others?

What qualities do you dislike in others? Here is a list of 10 Common Qualities that might make others dislike you: Self-centeredness. We have to admit that at the end of the day all of us are selfish or rather we do make ourselves a priority in our lives. Pessimists. Unreliable. Dishonesty. Backbiting. Chronic Swearing. […]

Why do guys hide their girlfriends?

Why do guys hide their girlfriends? When someone hides their relationship, often it’s because they want to appear available in the dating pool. Now it can be specifically for one person he is still not over or because he likes the attention from opposite sex. Unless you’re in an open relationship, being available isn’t very […]

What is a fancy word for powerful?

What is a fancy word for powerful? dominant, impressive, capable, influential, forceful, persuasive, dynamic, potent, authoritative, mighty, compelling, vigorous, robust, energetic, all-powerful, able, almighty, authoritarian, cogent, commanding. What does open minded mean sexually? For a person who is sexually straight,being open minded could mean he/she is indifferent towards homosexuality,or to be more precise,to be more […]

Did Daisy and Gatsby sleep together?

Did Daisy and Gatsby sleep together? Gatsby and Daisy first met in Louisville in 1917; Gatsby was instantly smitten with her wealth, her beauty, and her youthful innocence. Before he left for the war, Daisy promised to wait for him; the two then slept together, as though to seal their pact. What does Gatsby’s letter […]

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