What are the types of coral polyps?

What are the types of coral polyps? Because hard and soft corals are formed by different types of polyp. Hard coral polyps secrete calcium carbonate, typically in the form a protective cup which serves as an external skeleton. They cluster in colonies which over time become reefs. Soft corals polyps do not grow external skeletons […]

What do volcanologists wear?

What do volcanologists wear? Volcanologists wear protective suits with a metal coating that reflects the heat of the volcano, leaving the person inside cool. The suit can resist temperatures of up to 3,000°F (1,650°C). Heatproof boots help the volcanologists walk across the red-hot lava. What protective gear do geologists wear when working near lava? Volcano […]

Why does my heart really hurt?

Why does my heart really hurt? The most common heart problems that cause chest pain include: pericarditis – which usually causes a sudden, sharp, stabbing pain that gets worse when you breathe deeply or lie down. angina or a heart attack – which have similar symptoms but a heart attack is life-threatening. What do you […]

How do you summon the black market Skyrim?

How do you summon the black market Skyrim? Black Book: Untold Legends A power to summon him can be obtained as a reward for completing the Black Book quest “Untold Legends.” He can only be summoned using the Black Market power. When activated, he appears and offers to trade much like a regular merchant would. […]

Why are my twice baked potatoes gummy?

Why are my twice baked potatoes gummy? Potatoes wrapped in foil will trap moisture causing the skin to be wet and the inside to become gummy or soggy. Prep your filling ingredients while the potatoes are baking so that they are ready to add to the mashed potatoes while the potatoes are still warm. This […]

What words end with own?

What words end with own? 7-letter words that end in own unknown. rundown. letdown. midtown. sundown. lowdown. ingrown. hoedown. How many words end in own? There are 156 words ending with own, listed below sorted by word length. There is also a list of words starting with own. The process of finding words ending with […]

When were lines first painted on roads?

When were lines first painted on roads? The first white line road marking dates back to 1918 in the United Kingdom, according to Traffic Signs and Meanings. This idea caught on quickly, but the markings weren’t recognized as road safety protocol until 1926. In the ’30s, the lines were used for much more than telling […]

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