What does the Supreme Court say about flag burning? The majority of the Court, according to Justice William Brennan, agreed with Johnson and held that flag burning constitutes a form of “symbolic speech” that is protected by the First Amendment. The majority said that the government could not discriminate in this manner based solely upon […]
What percentage of Australians speak French?
What percentage of Australians speak French? There’s a little bit more French-speaking women (52.5 per cent) than men (47.5 per cent) in Australia. The country in general is distributed more evenly (50.7 per cent and 49.3 per cent). Is New Caledonia owned by France? New Caledonia is a territory sui generis to which France has […]
What are the security features implemented for a bank vault?
What are the security features implemented for a bank vault? By this project a security system has been designed to protect the bank vault from thief or unauthorized person. This security system consists of four sensors, IP camera and GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) module. Sensors are Sound sensor, Motion sensor, Laser sensor and […]
What channel can I watch scandal on?
What is moral goodness Aristotle?
What is moral goodness Aristotle? Aristotle defines moral virtue as a disposition to behave in the right manner and as a mean between extremes of deficiency and excess, which are vices. We learn moral virtue primarily through habit and practice rather than through reasoning and instruction. What is the foundation of ethics for Aristotle? Aristotle’s […]
What is UPC or ISBN or EAN?
What is UPC or ISBN or EAN? The most common GTINs used to create Amazon.in catalogue pages are UPCs, ISBNs and EANs. Universal Product Codes (UPCs), International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs), and European Article Numbers (EANs) are distinctive codes used to identify a particular item. How do I get an UPC EAN or ISBN? The […]
What does dust mite poop look like?
What does dust mite poop look like? The house dust mite excrements are pellets with a diameter of about 10–40 µm. These pellets dry up, decompose into fine dust, float into the air and are inhaled. The size of excrement particles are comparable with an another main source of allergy; Pollen. Is there such a […]
What is a summary of Stormbreaker?
What is a summary of Stormbreaker? The book’s plot revolves around Alex Rider being secretly recruited into MI6 to investigate the Stormbreaker computer factory and stop a terrorist attack that will kill hundreds of thousands of British school children. A film adaptation, starring Alex Pettyfer as Alex Rider, was released in 2006. What happened in […]
At what age should a child be able to say the l sound?
At what age should a child be able to say the l sound? Acquisition of the /L/ sound can happen anywhere between ages 3-6 years. If your child falls within this age range, and is having trouble pronouncing /L/, this is technically developmentally normal. How do you elicit L blends? If your child is really […]
Is Collabera a good company to work?
Is Collabera a good company to work? If you’re on the job market, I highly recommend you working with them! It was a pleasure working with Collabera. They helped me get placed in a company which totally justifies my experience. The punctuality from Collabera is highly appreciated. Is Collabera good for freshers? Collabera is one […]