Can you cast a char to a string java?

Can you cast a char to a string java? We can convert char to String in java using String. valueOf(char) method of String class and Character. toString(char) method of Character class. What does charAt mean in java? The Java charAt() method returns a character at a specific index position in a string. The first character […]

What are 3 examples of a possessive adjective?

What are 3 examples of a possessive adjective? The most commonly used possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, its, our, their, and whose. In order, these adjectives correspond to the pronouns I, you, he, she, it, we, they, and who. As their name suggests, possessive adjectives are often used to express possession or ownership. […]

Where can I publish sociology?

Where can I publish sociology? Submitting your manuscript International Sociology is hosted on SAGE Track, a web based online submission and peer review system powered by ScholarOne™ Manuscripts. Visit to login and submit your article online. What are some professional peer-reviewed sociology journals found in the library? Read more about journal metrics here. American […]

Are traders allowed to trade for themselves?

Are traders allowed to trade for themselves? Yes a broker could trade for themselves. What they can’t do is what is called frontrunning. That is where a broker first buys a stock, then recommends the stock to their clients. There are a few options on how brokers could deal with the issue of frontrunning. Is […]

How to convert a PDF to xlsx online?

How to convert a PDF to xlsx online? How to convert a PDF to XLS online Follow these easy steps to turn a PDF document into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet: Click the Select a file button above or drag and drop a PDF into the drop zone. Select the PDF you want to convert to the XLSX […]

Is Acer Aspire Es 14 A good laptop?

Is Acer Aspire Es 14 A good laptop? The Acer Aspire E14 is a great desktop-replacement laptop, it has a nice looking exterior, loaded with useful features, strong battery life and above average gaming performance. Overall, it has an impressive internals that can do a lot of things. How much is Acer Aspire r14? Acer […]

What does 3 blasts of a ship horn mean?

What does 3 blasts of a ship horn mean? backing up One prolonged blast indicates you are getting under way, and three short blasts indicate you are backing up. This is what is sounded when you are departing a dock in reverse. Five Short Blasts – This is the DANGER signal. What does 2 long […]

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