What did the All Spark do to Megatron?

What did the All Spark do to Megatron? Optimus Prime came to his rescue, and during the battle that followed between Prime and Megatron, the Autobot leader told Sam to merge the AllSpark with his spark in order to destroy it. However, Sam instead merged it with Megatron’s spark, destroying both the Decepticon leader and […]

How much is a 1981 Honda CM400T worth?

How much is a 1981 Honda CM400T worth? Values Excellent $2,015 Very Good $1,365 Good $910 Fair $640 Poor N/A What does Honda CM stand for? The Honda CM400 is a street bike produced by the Honda Motor Company from 1979 to 1982, part of a series of motorcycles with the prefix ‘CM’ using various […]

When can I move purple irises?

When can I move purple irises? The best time when to transplant iris is in the summer, after the iris have finished blooming, up until fall. Will iris survive winter in a pot? Bearded irises overwinter indoors just fine in pots. Use a very light potting medium (potting soil mixed with LOTS of perlite), water […]

Is Fundera legitimate?

Is Fundera legitimate? Unlike some other business financing options, Fundera seems to be a trusted online lender with a satisfied customer base. If you’d like to see multiple loan options available to you with only one loan application and if you have a credit score of 550 or higher, Fundera is worth looking into. Is […]

Where in the Bible is the benediction found?

Where in the Bible is the benediction found? The Benediction Prayer is a short and beautiful prayer set in poetic form. It is found in Numbers 6:24-26, and is likely one of the oldest poems in the Bible. The prayer is also commonly referred to as Aaron’s Blessing, the Aaronic Blessing, or the Priestly Blessing. […]

Do GUIDs ever repeat?

Do GUIDs ever repeat? First of all, a GUID is not infinite, which means that for the literal meaning of “100% of the time”, would mean that no matter how long you keep generating GUID’s, they would always be unique. What are the odds of a GUID repeating? As the number of GUIDs approach infinity, […]

Is Sarawak part of Brunei?

Is Sarawak part of Brunei? Brunei, independent Islamic sultanate on the northern coast of the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. It is bounded to the north by the South China Sea and on all other sides by the East Malaysian state of Sarawak, which also divides the state into two disconnected segments of unequal […]

What is the technology of India?

What is the technology of India? IT, biotechnology, aerospace, nuclear science, manufacturing technology, automobile engineering, chemical engineering, ship building, space science, electronics, computer science and other medical science related research and development are occurring on a large scale in the country. Where is India in terms of technology? According to the Global innovation index (2020), […]

What is a matrix score in McKay scholarship?

What is a matrix score in McKay scholarship? The matrix rating determines the amount of funding your child is eligible to receive. You can find it at the top right corner of your child’s IEP. You can also find your child’s matrix rating via the Florida School Choice website once your child’s intent is active. […]

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