Do catalytic wood stoves produce less creosote?
Catalytic stoves offer better efficiency, on average, than non-catalytic stoves. This added efficiency is due to the fact that the catalyst itself grows so hot during operation that you can enjoy heat with little or no flame. This reduces the amount of wood needed, increases burn time and reduces creosote buildup.
What is a catalytic combustor made of?
Most catalytic combustors used in manufacturing catalytic stoves today are made of a high temperature, honeycomb patterned ceramic substrate. They are coated with special noble metals like palladium and/or platinum. The honeycomb pattern gives the combustor surface area for the catalytic coatings.
What is a bypass on a wood stove?
For most catalytic stoves, a bypass damper is used to bypass the combustor when the loading door is open and when the exhaust is not yet hot enough to make it active. In some designs a flame shield protects the combustor from direct flames which can cause uneven heating and shock to the combustor.
How does a catalytic combustor work?
A catalytic wood stove uses a catalytic combustor to re-burn the gasses and particulates that are released from the burning wood. These gasses pass through the catalytic combustor, which operates at very high temperatures, and combust – providing increased efficiency, fewer emissions, and longer burn times.
How dry should wood be for catalytic stove?
That is, they are better at producing a clean, controlled fire. The EPA test method requires wood with a moisture content between 16 and 20 per cent (19 – 25% dry basis) and when the wood is outside this moisture band, the stove’s emission rate goes up.
What does a catalytic combustor do in a woodburning stove?
Just like the catalytic converter in your car, the catalytic combustor in a wood stove traps the smoke and other byproducts of combustion , and has a chemical coating (generally platinum and/or palladium) which interacts with the smoke and ignites it at around 500 degrees, rather than the 1100 degrees normally required.
What is a catalytic wood stove?
A catalytic stove is considered a wood stove design that can burn more ashes and smoke than the usual right before venting outside the area where it is placed. This stove is considered one the most efficient among all types of wood stoves you can have. Catalytic combustion is used in this device mentioned.
What is a wood stove catalyst?
A catalytic wood stove is amongst the most efficient stoves available. It uses a catalytic combustion device to heat, ignite and burn off the smoke generated by the fire. This results in maximum ‘use’ of the fuel (wood), even steady heat, and very minimal smoke and pollutant output.