Do central air conditioners need to be covered?

Do central air conditioners need to be covered?

As we said before, your unit is built to withstand the rain and snow, but it is not built to keep out leaves, seeds, or nuts. Therefore, you will want to cover your system during the fall only. It can even block up any moisture drainage your system has built in.

How do I cover my central air conditioner?

How to cover an air conditioner for winter (the RIGHT way)

  1. Use a cover made of breathable material.
  2. Put plywood over the top of the unit only to shield from snow and ice, weighing it down with bricks or rocks to keep in place.
  3. Install a wood awning or shelter attached to the building that covers the top of the unit.

Are covers good for AC units?

A Cover Could Do More Harm Than Good Because moisture is all but guaranteed to seep into your air conditioner anyway, a cover can actually cause damage. Moisture inside the unit could become trapped, leading to mold.

How do I winterize my AC unit?

The Dos and Don’ts for Winterizing Your Air Conditioning Unit

  1. Do: Shut off the power to the unit.
  2. Do: Remove any debris stuck in the unit.
  3. Do: Cover the unit with a sheet of plywood.
  4. Do: Wax the outside of the unit.
  5. Don’t: Wrap the condenser in plastic.
  6. Do: Remove snow and ice through the winter.

What happens if I don’t cover my air conditioner?

Covering your air conditioner will block proper air flow which can lead to mold growth on your evaporator coils. The mold can block proper airflow through your coils and decrease your air conditioner’s efficiency.

Can you put a tarp over AC unit?

Cover your air conditioner with a tarp during the off-season months of the year to protect it from dust, insects and moisture. Dust buildup on an uncovered air conditioner can hold moisture and provide organic material for mold and mildew growth. Prolong the life of your air conditioner with a tarp covering.

Should central air be covered in winter?

Tim Storm, Senior Product Manager at Trane, suggests that β€œit doesn’t hurt to cover up the unit if it’s not used during the winter months, as long as the cover or fabric can breathe and does not lock in moisture, which could be detrimental to the finish and components.”

Are you supposed to winterize your AC unit?

Throughout the winter – water, snow, and debris can gather around your AC unit and can clog, rust, and deteriorate mechanical parts of AC from inside. To keep them protected from inclement elements, it’s necessary to winterize your AC unit every year.

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