Do I need a reel for my solar cover?

Do I need a reel for my solar cover?

While most solar cover manufacturers recommend removing the cover, if you don’t have a reel and the help of at least one other person, that’s not always possible. With any method you use the goal is to fold the cover compactly at the end of the pool.

When should you put a solar cover on an above ground pool?

When to use a solar pool cover Basically, the best time to use a solar pool cover is anytime you’re not swimming. This will help maintain your water level and keep your pool water to a nice heated swimming temperature. Especially during the nighttime when temperatures are most likely to drop.

How well do solar covers work on above ground pools?

For a pool that is completely covered by a solar blanket, and one that gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight on the pool, a 10-15 degree F gain is not unusual. Solar Blankets will also reduce heat loss and evaporation by as much as 95%, depending on 1) amount of surface coverage and 2) average nightly temperature.

How do you put a solar cover on an above ground pool?

Protecting your Solar Cover

  1. Keep the Chlorine Level Low. The number one killer of solar covers is high chlorine level, which will break down the material and fill your skimmer basket with little blue dots.
  2. Store the Cover in the Shade.
  3. Winterize your Cover Correctly.

How do you store a solar cover when not in use?

To prevent mildew, the cover must be completely dry before it is stored. Your cover likely has seams on which you can fold it to prevent creasing in other, unwanted areas. Once it is folded on the seams, you can roll it up the rest of the way and place it in a large bag. Many solar covers come in a bag for storage.

Do you leave a solar cover on during the day?

For this reason solar covers (unlike solar rings) will actually block sunlight and keep heat out of the pool during the day – not magnifying the sun like many people will assume. So for these reasons a solar cover should be put on in the evening and removed in the morning, for maximum benefit.

How do solar cover reels work?

Advantages of Solar Reels and Covers. The general rule of thumb is to keep the solar cover on when the pool is not in use. A solar cover will help retain the heat that is absorbed by the sun throughout the day and prevent heat loss during the evening. A solar cover will also reduce chemical use and water evaporation.

What is solar cover reel?

A solar cover reel is used for effective storing and releasing of a solar blanket that is used to cover the pool. With the help of the reel, storing the solar blanket becomes easy and manageable. One of the advantages of the solar cover reel is the ease of use of the solar blanket, which otherwise has to be kept aside and stored.

What is a solar blanket reel?

A solar cover reel is used with a solar blanket (not solar sun rings or liquid solar blankets ), allowing you to store and deploy it without arduously lugging, folding, or balling it up in the back of your shed until next season.

What is solar cover?

The solar cover is attached to the roller with straps, and is rolled up when the cover is not in use. Most rollers have wheels that can be used to store the cover and reel when it’s party time or when you just don’t want it around. Most solar covers come with a large bag for storage.

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