Do phorid flies have antenna?

Do phorid flies have antenna?

Phorid flies have short antennae and prominent dark veins at the base of their wings that can easily be recognized. Like all flies, their development is holometabolous (4 stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, and adult). As soon as they hatch, larvae burrow into the organic matter and quickly feed on it.

Do dragonflies have antennae?

Yes, Dragonflies do have a pair of antennae. They are very tiny and difficult to see.

Does Nematocera bite?

Several of these families are superficially similar. However, among all the culicomorphs, the long proboscis of mosquitoes is distinctive. It is considered the most specialized of biting mouthparts among Nematocera and indicates a long and close association of mosquitoes with vertebrate animals.

What type of antenna do Diptera have?

Adults of the lower Diptera possess elongate, filamentous antennae composed of six or more segments (Fig. 11.4A and B). The antennae usually are longer than the length of the head and thorax combined. A notable exception is the family Simuliidae, in which the antennae are short and compact (Fig.

Do phorid flies carry disease?

While all fly infestations carry some potential dangers, phorid flies can spread some of the worst diseases, and cause severe reactions in the humans they come into contact with. The larvae of these flies are even known to eat necrotic flesh on hospital patients.

Do flies poop?

House flies defecate… a lot And they aren’t too worried about where they do it either! As you know, house flies like to live off a liquid diet. Because of this, their digestive system can move quite quickly, which means they defecate often.

How many antennae does a dragonfly have?

two antennae
The head of a dragonfly bears two large compound eyes, two antennae, a powerful pair of mandibles, and a lower jaw-like structure called a labium.

What kind of antennae do dragonflies have?

The basic form of antenna is filiform. In this type there are many segments that are more or less equal in size. Filiform antennae are seen in a wide variety of groups, such as Dragonflies, Grasshoppers and Crickets, Book Lice, Biting Lice, Scorpion Flies and Beetles.

Are black flies Nematocera?

The Nematocera (the name means “thread-horns”) are a suborder of elongated flies with thin, segmented antennae and mostly aquatic larvae. Major families in the suborder include the mosquitoes, crane flies, gnats, black flies, and a group of families described as midges.

What is Nematocera antennae?

Suborder Nematocera Antennae often long and thread-like, with more than 5 segments, although these are occasionally indistinctly separated. Almost never with a closed anal cell. Many of the families in this group are lightly built flies with long legs. Representatives of 25 families are to be found in Britain.

What is the difference between Nematocera and house flies?

The Nematocera typically have fairly long, fine, finely-jointed antennae. In this they differ from the most familiar flies, the suborder Brachycera (the name means “short-horns”), which includes the house flies, blow flies and many similar flies; Brachycera generally have short, stubby antennae.

Is a mosquito a Nematocera?

Typical Nematocera: male and female mosquito. The Nematocera (the name means “thread-horns”) are a suborder of elongated flies with thin, segmented antennae and mostly aquatic larvae. Major families in the suborder include the mosquitoes, crane flies, gnats, black flies, and a group of families described as midges.

How does a Nematocera emerge from the pupa?

The pupae are orthorrhaphous which means that adults emerge from the pupa through a straight, longitudinal seam in the dorsal surface of the pupal cuticle. The bodies and legs of most adult Nematocera are elongated, and many species have relatively long abdomens.

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