Do you get paid for keeping in touch days while on maternity leave?
You can choose to do some work on maternity leave You should be paid for keeping in touch days. How much you get depends on your contract, but it must be at least the minimum wage. You need to agree keeping in touch days with your employer – they can’t make you do them, but you can’t demand them either.
Should my employer contact me during maternity leave?
An employer may make ‘reasonable contact’ with you during your maternity leave. ‘Reasonable’ is not defined but your employer could contact you about: any changes or developments at work.
Who pays for keeping in touch days?
Your employer must pay you for the time you work. A keeping in touch day may affect your workplace entitlements, such as leave accrual. Once you have returned to work you can’t access a keeping in touch day. This is even if you didn’t use all 10 days.
Do you get paid for keeping in touch days NHS?
No, you are entitled to be paid for any KIT or SPLIT days worked in the same way and at the same time as other employees so this will usually be in the payroll following the week or month in which you do some work. Your employer must pay for any KIT/SPLIT days at the time you do the work and cannot delay payment.
What happens if I work while on maternity leave?
If you work while receiving EI maternity benefits, the government will deduct the money you earn dollar for dollar from your benefits. If you work while receiving EI parental benefits, you can earn up to $50 per week or 25 per cent of your weekly benefit (whichever is higher) before any deductions are made.
Can I work while on unpaid maternity leave for another employer?
Employees are generally not permitted to work for another employer while on unpaid parental leave, as this will affect their eligibility for the government’s Paid Parental Leave Scheme. If they do, the parental leave payments will stop.
What can keeping in touch days be used for?
These days are best used as a way to keep up to date with any changes in your workplace while you have been on leave; to attend a training course or staff meeting; to complete a project or to help you settle back into work gradually at the end of your leave.
Do you pay tax on keeping in touch days?
Payments for the days you work will be made through payroll and is subject to tax and national insurance contributions in the normal way.
Can you spread maternity pay?
Some employers offer the option to spread or ‘smooth’ maternity pay evenly over your entire maternity leave. The idea is that you get the same total amount, only spread evenly over each month rather than the typical decreasing monthly amounts. This makes it easier for you to budget throughout your maternity leave.
Can you take a second job while on maternity leave?
The general rule is, if you work for another employer (who is not liable to pay you statutory maternity pay) whilst on maternity leave, you lose your entitlement to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) for the week in which you work and for the remainder of your maternity pay period.
Can I get a part time job while on maternity leave?
Your employer cannot force or demand that you work at any point during your maternity leave and KiT days must be by agreement between you and the employer, which should be reached in advance of you doing the work.
How many keeping in touch days can I work during maternity leave?
You are allowed to work up to ten keeping in touch (KIT) days during maternity or adoption leave without bringing your leave or pay to an end. You are also allowed to work up to 20 shared-parental-in-touch (SPLIT) days without bringing shared parental leave or pay to an end. This information sheets covers:
What are an employee’s rights when taking maternity leave?
Employee rights aren’t usually affected when they take maternity, paternity, adoption or parental leave and some employees can work up to 10 paid days during their leave.
How many days can I work during maternity or adoption leave?
Employees can work up to 10 days during their maternity or adoption leave. These days are called ‘keeping in touch days’. Keeping in touch days are optional – both the employee and employer need to agree to them.
How many kit days Am I entitled to while on maternity leave?
You are entitled to agree to up to 10 keeping in touch (KIT) days with your employer throughout your period of maternity leave without bringing your maternity leave or pay to an end. The ten-day entitlement applies whether you ordinarily work on a full or part-time basis.