Does Ash ever catch an Eevee?
Ash’s Eevee was the tenth Pokémon that Ash caught in Pokémon Journeys: The Series, and his seventy-fifth overall.
Is Pokemon just Ash in a coma?
According to this Creepypasta-inspired theory, during the first episodes of the Pokemon anime, Ash is accidentally electrocuted by one of Pikachu’s attacks, and he then slipped into a coma. Ash’s partner, Pikachu, was also supposed to represent Ash’s humanity whenever he would get lost from him in an episode.
Why is Ash eternally 10?
Well, there’s this theory that when Ash first saw Ho-Oh, the Pokemon who grants wishes to people who see it, the only wish he had was to always be with Pokemon. Hence, he is perennially 10, as that’s the age where children start their journey.
Which Eeveelution would Ash have?
If he were to get an Eevee, I’d say Jolteon since Ash best works with speedy pokemon.
Did Ash have a Torchic?
Torchic is the Fire-Type starter in the Hoenn region. May had one of these Pokémon in her party which is probably why Ash decided not to catch one. Torchic’s evolution Blaziken is a powerful Fighting/Fire-Type that Ash could have used during Pokémon leagues so it is quite sad that fans never saw him catch one.
Is Pokémon all Ash’s dream?
With the Spearow baring down on them, Pikachu creates a massive pillar of lighting that sends the Pokémon and Ash flying. After that, it’s all a dream. Different versions of the theory say Ash was thrown into a coma when the bike crashed or when Pikachu used the powerful lighting attack.
Does Ash have an umbreon?
AshのBlacky A Party Evolution! This Pokémon spent 111 episodes as Eevee. This Umbreon is Ash’s second Pokémon known in Kanto, and his first after Pikachu.
What is ash’s coma?
Ash’s Coma is a popular fan theory based on the Pokémon anime. In this alternate take on the first episodes of the series, Ash is actually stricken by lightning by Pikachu, and is placed into a coma which lasts (at most) to the Sun and Moon series. The theory can be viewed here. This theory provides examples of:
What is the coma theory in Pokemon soul silver?
The Coma Theory explains some of the basics from the series. It answers the question as to why Ash never physically ages, and it also explains why there are Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys throughout the region, and it also explains why children are sent off on journeys throughout the Pokemon world without adult supervision.
What episode does Ash not appear in the Pokemon games?
Time After Time! is the only main series episode to not feature Ash in any capacity. Ash has obtained at least one Flying-type type Pokémon in every series.
What happened to Ash Ketchum?
Different versions of the theory say Ash was thrown into a coma when the bike crashed or when Pikachu used the powerful lighting attack. In either case, Ash took enough damage to send him unconscious for the foreseeable future. Every subsequent event in the series takes place in his own mind, as he’s still stuck in the coma all these years later.