Does Batman swear?

Does Batman swear?

So in today’s Flash #64, we see Linda West have some words for Batman. As well as Batman not swearing, now but reminded that he said a naughty word in the past.

Did Rachel ever love Bruce Wayne?

Rachel Dawes was the love interest of Bruce Wayne and later Harvey Dent in the Dark Knight films….Rachel Dawes.

Love Interest
Powers/Skills None
Hobby None
Goals Restore order to Gotham City and who she want to be with: Bruce or Harvey
Type of Love Interest Childhood Friend

What defines me Batman?

The story behind the quote: This week’s quote comes from the superhero/crime drama movie Batman Begins that was directed by Christopher Nolan. The quote actually comes up twice in the film. …

Does Batman say the F word in the Snyder cut?

Zack Snyder dropped a Bat-bomb when he revealed he expects his Justice League director’s cut to receive an R-rating for profanity and violence, including “F-bombs” from Batman (Ben Affleck) and Cyborg (Ray Fisher). So [the rating would be due to] violence and profanity, probably both.”

How many F words are in the Snyder cut?

four f-words
The fact that the film contains just four f-words suggests that Snyder might’ve included them specifically to get his R-rating. We also hear three s-words along with two uses of the word “a–,” one “h—” and one misuse of God’s name.

What did Rachel write in the letter to Batman?

Rachel Dawes : [narrating her letter to Bruce as Alfred reads it] Dear Bruce. I need to be honest and clear. I’m going to marry Harvey Dent. I love him, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

Why did Batman save Harvey instead of Rachel?

Though he gave the addresses where the both of them were tied up, he mixed them up intentionally. The Joker figured out that Batman would go to save Rachel first, and that would mean he will abandon Harvey. By changing their addresses, he ensured that Batman saves Harvey instead.

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