Does Perspirex really work?

Does Perspirex really work?

How Perspirex is effective against excessive sweating. Perspirex works so effectively thanks to its alcoholbased, aluminium chloride and lactate solution. 2. This reacts with the water in your sweat gland forming a kind of plug that seals the sweat glands temporarily halting sweat production.

Is Perspirex safe?

Yes, Perspirex is safe to use, also during pregnancy and breast feeding. Cosmetic products are subject to the European Cosmetics Regulation (1223/2009). This legislation requires a cosmetic product not to cause harm to human health under normal conditions of use.

How long does Perspirex take to work?

Apply at night Apply Perspirex at night before going to bed as the sweat glands are less active at night. When you start, use Perspirex every night, until you have achieved the desired effect – usually within 1 week. Allow Perspirex to dry fully after application.

Which is better Perspirex or Driclor?

Driclor & Anhydrol Forte are strong antiperspirants (containing 20% aluminium chloride) for use on the underarms , hands, and feet. Perspirex is a roll-on antiperspirant for underarm sweating, stronger than most standard antiperspirants.

Can I use Perspirex every day?

To maintain sweat and odour protection, apply Perspirex 2-3 nights per week or as often as needed. Use a hairdryer at cool setting if necessary. Do not use until 48 hours after shaving or waxing.

Does Perspirex hurt?

I agree with other reviewers that this BURNS like hell, really REALLY hurts. But I found that if you don’t shave your armpits or anything and let them be for a day or two before you apply this it doesn’t hurt at all. It’s only if your pits are irritated that this stings like crazy.

Can I use Perspirex during the day?

Only apply to dry, unbroken skin that has not been shaved for at least 48 hours. For best results Perspirex should be applied at night, this is because the sweat glands are usually less active at night allowing the formula to work more effectively.

Can I use Perspirex everyday?

To maintain sweat and odour protection, apply Perspirex 2-3 nights per week or as often as needed.

Can you use Perspirex during the day?

Does Perspirex work in the morning?

For best results Perspirex should be applied at night, this is because the sweat glands are usually less active at night allowing the formula to work more effectively.

Does Perspirex stop odour?

An effective antiperspirant such as Perspirex is the solution to significantly minimise both sweat and odour.

Can you put Perspirex on in the morning?

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