Does preload affect height?
The suspension may feel stiffer when preload is increased, but that’s because adding preload compresses the spring, so it takes more pressure to move the suspension any further. Adjusting preload simply determines the motorcycle’s ride height. Basically, when ride height is overly high there is too little sag.
What does rear spring preload do?
Preload is used to adjust the shock or spring to the correct range of operation within the suspension’s travel-more preload will raise the bike up on its suspension, keeping you near the top of its travel. With less preload, the bike sits lower and closer to the bottom of its suspension travel.
What does preload do on a bike?
How does spring rate affect handling?
You might think the higher spring rate would react faster, but in reality, the lower spring rate will contact the ground first, and thus allows for more grip. With a lower spring rate, the force pressing the tire down remains higher longer relative to the amount of travel it has, so it contacts the ground much sooner.
How does spring preload affect handling motorcycle?
Is too much preload bad for ride height?
Both…. but if you need too much preload to get the correct ride height you will not have the correct static sag (possibly none) which means you need a spring with a stiffer rate. Excessive preload will beat the crap out of you during the part of the suspension travel that should give you a decent ride.
How much does preload adjustment affect spring rate?
Adjusting preload does nothing to your spring rate. (technical explanation below). All it does is change your ride height and your sag. So, given that, what should you do with those adjusters on the forks??
Does the length of a shock spring affect ride height?
The result is the same amount of ride height. The only time spring length can affect preload is if there aren’t enough threads on the shock to get the desired preload, or if the springs will go to coil bind. Everyone thinks about what happens when springs compress, but it’s also important to think about what happens when they extend.
What is the ride height of a 100 lb/in spring?
An 18″ long, 100 lb/in spring with 1″ of preload will give you the same ride height as a 10″ long, 100 lb/in spring with 1″ of preload. In both cases you’ve applied 100 lb of force before the vehicle weight collapses the spring. Because spring rates are the same each spring will collapse the same amount under the weight of the vehicle.