Does PS3 gamepad work on PC?

Does PS3 gamepad work on PC?

To use your PS3 controller wirelessly, you’ll either need a PC with built-in Bluetooth compatibility or a Bluetooth dongle plugged in. After unplugging the controller, it should automatically sync with your PC via Bluetooth if the proper drivers are installed.

How do I map my PS3 controller to my PC?

How to use a PS3 controller on PC, and play any games with it?

  1. Download and install reWASD.
  2. Plug in the PS3 controller to PC, if you have an available Bluetooth connection, reWASD will ask if you want to Pair the controller.
  3. Create a new profile, the config will appear automatically.
  4. Let the remapping begin!

How to connect PS3 GamePad to PC and use emulator?

An active internet connection atleast for the first time setup when you will connect the PS3 Gamepad to PC and use the emulator. When you have installed Motioninjoy tool set and have all the other required things ready. Connect your PS3 Gamepad to your PC via USB. Now on your desktop you will find the DS3 Tool icon. Run the application.

How to play games with PS3 controller on PC?

How To Play PC Games with Ps3 Controller. Pre requisites. You will first need to install the PS3 gamepad emulator for windows. Download the latest version of MotioninJoy tool and install it. Keep your Ps3 Gamepad and its USB connector at hand. For wireless setup, keep your Bluetooth drivers installed.

How to use PS3 controller on Xbox 360 emulator?

You will find that your PS3 controller is detected in Connected Controller menu and via USB. You can select the mode you want to use it in.You can also check battery status. [alert-note] Most of the Windows games will detect PS3 Gamepad only after you change the mode to XBox 360 Emulator.

What is the best controller for PS2 emulated games?

The Dualshock 3 has something the best PC controllers don’t have: Pressure-sensitive analog face buttons. That makes the Dualshock 3 the best choice for playing emulated PS2 games in the PCSX2 emulator. Metal Gear Solid 3, for example, just doesn’t play right without those analog buttons.

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