Does the VA have a pharmacy?

Does the VA have a pharmacy?

The VA pharmacy service provides prescription benefits to veterans enrolled in the VA health care system.

How do I contact VA pharmacy?

What if I have more questions?

  1. Read the prescription refill FAQs on the My HealtheVet web portal.
  2. Call the My HealtheVet help desk at 877-327-0022 (TTY: 800-877-8339). We’re here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET.
  3. Or contact us online.

What mail order pharmacy does the VA use?

Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy
VA’s mail-order pharmacy system, the Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy (CMOP), processes nearly half a million prescriptions daily and each working day, more than 330,000 veterans receive a package of prescriptions in the mail.

Where can I get my VA prescription filled?

Your VA physician prescribes your medications from an approved list called a formulary. Once your VA physician writes a prescription, you can get it filled at the pharmacy located within the VA medical facility.

Does Walgreens fill VA prescriptions?

With the VA-Walgreens exchange, VA providers can now easily view medications directly that are prescribed to VA-enrolled patients by community providers and filled at Walgreens pharmacies.

How do I get the VA to pay for prescriptions?

Calling 1-877-222-VETS (8387) Monday – Friday between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ET. Using the self-service Kiosks available at their local VA health care facility. VA health care is NOT considered a health insurance plan.

Does VA cover outside prescriptions?

The VA will not fill or rewrite prescriptions prescribed by your private physician. You need to have a primary-care provider assigned by the VA. You must provide your VA healthcare provider with your medical records from your non-VA provider.

Does CVS fill VA prescriptions?

For nearly nine million United States veterans, the Veterans Health Administration plays a critical role in helping them get the health care they need. The veteran visits MinuteClinic to receive treatment. If medication is prescribed during the visit, the patient will be able to fill the prescription at CVS Pharmacy.

How do I get my prescriptions filled through the VA?

To receive a refill by your VA prescriber, you must request a refill using one of the ways below:

  1. By phone: Most VA Pharmacies have automated telephone refill lines.
  2. By mail: VA Pharmacy provides a refill request form with each prescription filled.
  3. Online: Veterans can use to request prescription refills online.

Are VA prescriptions free?

Some veterans usually must make copayments for VA-provided health care and prescriptions, depending on their Priority Group. Normally, service-connected medical conditions are treated by the VA for free. For veterans with higher disability levels or those of limited means, all medical care may be free.

Can I fill my VA prescription at Walgreens?

With the VA-Walgreens exchange, VA providers can now easily view medications directly that are prescribed to VA-enrolled patients by community providers and filled at Walgreens pharmacies. Additional information about the VA Health Information Exchange Program can be found online at

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