Does WeChat have business account?

Does WeChat have business account?

The most effective way to market your business on WeChat is by opening an Official Account. There are two types of accounts for WeChat marketing, Subscription accounts and Service accounts. The Subscription account is designed for marketing but is not open to overseas businesses.

How do I use WeChat for business?

To get started advertising your business on WeChat, first you need a verified WeChat official account. Once you have that in place, you need to apply for the right to advertise on the platform. Go to the admin section on your WeChat account and click on the option shown below.

How do I create a WeChat official account?

2. How to create a WeChat Official Account

  1. Go to the WeChat Official Accounts Platform.
  2. Choose either Service or Subscription Account.
  3. Create a User Account.
  4. Select Mainland China as your Region.
  5. Fill in your organization details.
  6. Select Authentication Method.
  7. Fill in your WeChat account Profile information.
  8. Verify.

What is WeChat enterprise account?

While the latter are public accounts designed to drive content into WeChat on behalf of companies, Enterprise Accounts were created to allow companies to use WeChat for inter-company messaging without interfering too much with users’ personal usage of the app.

How do I get clients on WeChat?

There are several ways to get clients on WeChat. You can offer a VIP card to your members through the app, send promotions, and give e-coupons they can use to exchange in stores. However, the key is to actively engage with your followers so you can eventually turn them into customers and make them purchase your items.

What is WeChat business model?

WeChat makes money by selling a range of value-added services. These include stickers to enhance the instant messaging experience, video game upgrades, and public account verification for organizations. WeChat also drives revenue through advertising, with implementation most successful on the Moments platform.

How do I create a wechat account?

To create a WeChat account: Tap the WeChat icon to launch the app. Tap Sign Up. Tap in the box labelled “Full Name” and enter your name. Tap in the box labelled “Phone Number” and enter your mobile number. Tap in the box labelled “Password” and create a password.

How do you login to WeChat?

Using a Password Open WeChat. It’s the green icon with two chat bubbles, labeled “WeChat.” You’ll typically find it on your home screen or in the app drawer. Tap Log In. It’s a green button at the bottom of the screen. Enter your mobile phone number. The country code will fill automatically. Enter your password. Tap Log In.

What is WeChat official account?

WeChat is an instant messaging and social networking app by Tencent . WeChat Official Account is a special kind of WeChat accounts which individuals and businesses can set up and push updates to the WeChat users that follow them.

How do I download Wechat on my PC?

Using WeChat for Windows Go to in a web browser. Click the icon of a Windows logo in a computer screen. Click Download. Select a folder and click Save. Open the WeChat installer. Click Yes to give WeChat permission to install. Click Install WeChat. Click Run. Open WeChat on your mobile device. Tap + on your mobile device.

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