How big do peppered corydoras get?

How big do peppered corydoras get?

Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to South and Central America. Average adult size: 2.5 inches (6.3 cm)

How many peppered corydoras should I have?

Peppered corys are a schooling fish, and should be kept in groups of at least five or more at all time. To truly experience their natural behavior, many aquarists recommend keeping them in groups of ten or more, which will both reduce their stress levels, and provide you with impressive displays of schooling.

How big do corydoras catfish get?

Cory Catfish Size: Depending on the specific type, Cory Catfish size can range from about 1 inch to about 2.5 inches in length. Their diameter can range from about the size of a dime to about the size of a nickel.

Can I mix Cory?

Corydoras Behavior/Compatibility Corydoras, Brochis and Aspidoras species are shoaling fish, meaning they like to hang out together. Different species can be mixed, and they will often group together. For best results, they should be purchased in groups of 5 or more. They can be kept with most peaceful community fish.

How many Cory cats can you have in a 20-gallon tank?

How Many Cories in A 20-Gallon. Up to 4 cory catfish (1 in every gallon of water ) can go in a 20-gallon fish tank, but note there are several species of the same family, some of which may grow bigger and some fragile than others.

Can I have 1 cory catfish?

Tank Size: Cory Catfish are pretty small fish. Technically, a single Cory should be fine in a ten gallon tank. The problem is that Corydoras are not happy when kept by themselves. Since they are schooling fish, Cory catfish should be kept in groups of 5 or more.

How long do Peppered corydoras live?

Peppered Cory – The Care, Feeding and Breeding of Peppered Corydoras. The males are smaller than the females, and will usually only grow to about 2 inches (5 cm) in length. On average, peppered corys will live for about ten years, though well cared for individuals have been known to live as long as fifteen years.

What is a peppered Cory?

Peppered cory. (Corydoras paleatus) A member of the great Corydoras family, the Peppered Corydoras has the same characteristics and needs as its cousins. However, it has a certain advantage: it is one of the rare species of Corydoras that can live at a temperature below 20°C or 68°F and can therefore be associated with cold-water fish!

What is the common name of Corydoras paleatus?

Corydoras paleatus, known commonly as the pepper cory, is possibly the most commonly kept of all Corydoras species, with the possible exception of Corydoras aenus, or bronze cory. The body of this species is rather stocky and covered with two rows of bony plates, also known as scutes.

Are there any bronze corydoras for sale?

Bronze Corys are available in several color morphs, including green, bronze, albino, and black. They do well in a range of conditions but should be kept in schools. Although this species may be seen for sale in pet shops, it rarely is the real McCoy.

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