How big is the Mariinsky stage?

How big is the Mariinsky stage?

Mariinsky II Fact Sheet The building, covering 79114 m2, is one of the largest theatre and concert venues in the world. The auditorium seats up to 1,830 people at full capacity.

How many seats in Mariinsky theatre?

With a seating capacity of 1,625 and a U-shaped Italian-style auditorium, the theatre opened on 2 October 1860, with a performance of A Life for the Tsar. The new theatre was named Mariinsky after its imperial patroness, Empress Maria Alexandrovna.

Why is the Mariinsky Theatre so important to Russian culture?

Mariinsky is one of the most renowned and important theaters in the history of Russian art. It’s stage has seen true legends, the best of the best have performed, acted and played here. It was constructed as theatre/circus – that is, both theatrical and circus performances could also be held there.

Where is the Mariinsky Theatre?

St. Petersburg
Mariinsky Theatre, also spelled Maryinsky Theatre, formerly Kirov Theatre, Russian imperial theatre in St. Petersburg. The theatre opened in 1860 and was named for Maria Aleksandrovna, wife of the reigning tsar.

When was the Mariinsky Theatre built?

May 2009
Mariinsky Theatre/Founded

When did Kirov become Mariinsky?

Kirov Ballet, one of the two major ballet companies of Russia, the other being the Bolshoi Ballet. In 1991 it was officially renamed the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Ballet; however, on its frequent tours abroad it is still called the Kirov Ballet.

How old is the Mariinsky Theatre?

161c. 1860
Mariinsky Theatre/Age

Who designed the Mariinsky Theatre?

Alberto Cavos
Mariinsky Theatre/Architects

Who was a Mariinsky Ballet Master?

Sergei Vikharev, a Russian ballet master and former dancer in the Mariinsky Ballet who sparked a continuing debate over how to stage 19th-century works when he stunned international audiences with a four-hour spectacular production of “The Sleeping Beauty” in 1999, died on Friday in St. Petersburg.

Where does the Mariinsky Ballet perform?

St Petersburg Russia

Mariinsky Ballet
General information
Principal venue Mariinsky Theatre 1 Theatre Square St Petersburg Russia
Artistic staff

What is the size of the Mariinsky Theatre?

Mariinsky II Fact Sheet. The building, covering 79114 m2, is one of the largest theatre and concert venues in the world. The auditorium seats up to 2000 people at full capacity.

Is the Mariinsky II a good place to live?

The Mariinsky II in the world press: Mariinsky II is a good thing. With its 1,830 seats and carefully engineered acoustics, the theatre offers impressive technical flexibility. (The Economist) The auditorium is excellent: like Glyndebourne’s bigger brother, with light wood balconies, fine acoustics and superb sightlines.

What was the first opera to be performed at Mariinsky Theatre?

MARIINSKY THEATRE. On 27 November 1836, with the first performance of Glinka’s opera A Life for the Tsar the reconstructed theatre opened once again. Perhaps by chance and perhaps by design, the premiere of Ruslan and Lyudmila – Glinka’s second opera – was held there exactly six years later, on 27 November 1842.

How well did St Petersburg’s Mariinsky perform at its opening gala?

The prime mover behind St Petersburg’s shiny new opera house, Mariinsky II, had put his fabled drive and energy to the test by conducting five shows in three days. Thursday’s exhausting opening gala was well chosen and brilliantly played, sung and danced.

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