How big of a tank do Endlers need?
20 gallons
Thanks to their small size, Endler’s livebearers only need a tank size of 20 gallons to thrive. A 20-gallon tank is suitable for a group of four or five fish. If you want to keep more, increase the tank size accordingly. As a good rule of thumb, add about four or five gallons of volume per fish.
How many Endlers can you put in a 10 gallon tank?
How Many Endler’s Livebearers in a X Gallon Tank?
Tank Size | Number of Endler’s Livebearers |
10 Gallons | Up to 17 endlers |
20 Gallons | Up to 33 endlers |
29 Gallons | Up to 46 endlers |
55 Gallons | Up to 86 endlers |
How many Endlers should be kept together?
These peaceful freshwater fish have a pecking order within their school, although you won’t witness any fighting between individuals. That said, females can be quite territorial, which is one of the reasons why you should always have a group of at least three or four female Endlers in your collection.
What fish can go with Endlers?
Compatible tank mates: Endlers make a great addition to a community tank with other small peaceful fish, including, but not limited to, Cory Catfish, small peaceful Tetras (like Neon Tetras), White Clouds, Honey Gourami, Glass Fish, Ghost & Cherry Shrimp, Dwarf Corydoras, small Rainbowfish, Otocinclus Catfish, Zebra …
Can you keep just male Endlers?
Yes, Endlers can be kept alone. It is not uncommon for a single male Endler to be kept as a showpiece in a very small aquarium. Whilst a very small aquarium is not ideal, the Endler will not mind being kept alone.
What is the best food for Endlers?
Endlers enjoy eating live/dried/frozen meaty protein. So small insects/larvae such as brine shrimp, daphnia and bloodworms will be readily accepted. Endlers also eat green vegetables and a little algae alongside a good quality flake food. This versatility makes Endlers in the home aquarium easy to feed.
Do Endlers need plants?
Do Endlers Need A Planted Tank? A planted tank is important if you’re going to keep Endlers. Live plants help to keep the aquarium water healthy and provide places for fry to hide in. Although adult Endlers are an active fish that rarely hide, female Endlers often rest amongst the plants after giving birth.
Are Endlers schooling fish?
Endler guppy is a schooling fish, and it prefers small tanks with lentic water, thickly planted with various flora. The fish feels very comfortable in tanks with floating plants.
Are Endlers and guppies the same?
Fin size and length is another difference between Endlers and guppies. Guppies often have large flowing fins while Endlers usually have much smaller fins. Long flowing fins in Endlers are a good indicator that the Endler has been hybridized with a guppy. Endlers often have a small sword on their caudal (tail) fin.
Do Endlers need lids?
You should ensure other fish and plants in the tank can handle this as well. Cover your tank: Endlers are good jumpers, so be sure to cover your tank to avoid any fatal escapes.
Can Endlers eat bloodworms?
Endlers enjoy eating live/dried/frozen meaty protein. So small insects/larvae such as brine shrimp, daphnia and bloodworms will be readily accepted. Endlers also eat green vegetables and a little algae alongside a good quality flake food.