How can I check my IELTS result online Malaysia?
You can log in to the online registration system 3 to 5 calendar days (for IELTS on computer) and 13 calendar days (for IELTS on paper) after your test and preview your results. IELTS Results remain online for 40 days but should not be used as an official confirmation of your performance.
How can I check my IELTS TRF online?
To verify a TRF, select ‘TRF Query’ from the menu on the left. In the box entitled ‘Test Report Form (TRF) Number’, enter the 15–18 digit number found in the bottom right-hand corner of every Test Report Form. Click ‘Verify’ to access this TRF and view the information we have on record.
How can I check my IELTS result after 1 year?
To get a copy of your TRF, you will need to contact the centre where you took your test. You must put your request in writing to them and provide a copy of the ID document you used on the test day. If you need additional copies to be sent to recognising organisations, please contact your IELTS centre for assistance.
Is IELTS validity extended to 3 years?
Is IELTS Validity Extended To 3 Years? No, the IELTS validity has not been extended to 3 years. The IELTS score is valid for 2 years as soon as you obtain your IELTS results. The validity period starts from the date of your examination.
How can I find my old IELTS result?
You can check the results on the Test Taker Portal. If you have taken the computer based test, you will be able to preview your results after 3-5 calendar days from the test date. Check the results on the Test Taker Portal. You can log in to the Test Taker Portal to preview your results.
Does IELTS result get delayed?
In normal circumstances, the IELTS result comes after the 13 days of your test. But there is a probability that you receive an email informing you that your results have been delayed. This causes anxiety, fear, anger, annoyance, and many other different emotions in the candidates.
Where can I take my IELTS test in Malaysia?
The British Council in Malaysia offers IELTS tests in 16 locations in 8 states: Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Penang, Johor Bahru, Melaka, Perak, Sarawak & Sabah, with up to 19 test dates per month. You can choose to take your IELTS test on paper or on a computer. Whichever you prefer, you will need to come to a test centre to sit your test.
When will I get my IELTS test results?
If you have taken the computer-delivered test, you will be able to preview your results online after 3 to 5 days from the test date. We will send out a paper copy of your IELTS test score, the Test Report Form (TRF), via mail delivery 13 days after the test date for a paper-based test and 3 to 5 days after a computer-delivered test.
What is included in the IELTS test fee?
Our IELTS test fee includes exclusive preparation materials, free practice tests and much more. Take IELTS with the British Council Note: The full address of test venue can be viewed when you register for your test.
What is a pass or fail on the IELTS test?
IELTS provides results for all levels of English: there is no such thing as a pass or fail. You will be given a score from zero to nine for each part of the test – Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking