How can I improve my hurling skills?

How can I improve my hurling skills?

Run forward and strike to wall. Catch the ball on its return, and then strike it towards wall as quickly as possible again, all the while running towards wall. Then do third strike and catch before you run out of space. How will I benefit? – Ball control on the run will be improved, as will a player’s awareness.

What is an intermediate drill?

The ball is played from player to player. Intermediate Drills Intermediate Drills introduce movement and require the players to have a significant degree of competency in the underlying technique to complete the drill. Key Points • One or other players must move . • Emphasis on the ball and the players doing the work.

What skills do you need for hurling?

There are many different skills involved in the game of hurling. These can be broadly broken down into those that involve Gaining Possession, Maintaining Possession, Releasing Possession, Contesting Possession and other skills that facilitate the playing of Hurling, called Other Skills.

How do you hit a Sliotar further?

STRIKING FROM THE HAND (7 – 9 YEARS+): Toss the sliotar to shoulder height, keeping eyes on the sliotar. Slide the hands to the lock position and bend the elbows. Step forward onto the front foot and strike. Relax in the strike and follow through.

How do you hit a Sliotar far?

Toss the sliotar to shoulder height, keeping eyes on the sliotar. Slide the hands to the lock position and bend the elbows. Step forward onto the front foot and strike. Relax in the strike and follow through.

Where can I find hurling coaching guides and drills?

Below you can download these guides from to organising drills that will develop the core skills of the game of hurling. Also click to see lots of great coaching video resources. Games and Drills to develop batting. Games and Drills to develop the Frontal Block. Games and Drills to develop the Grip and Swing.

Who is the GAA National Hurling Development Manager?

Sample hurling coaching session with GAA National Hurling Development Manager, Martin Fogarty. – YouTube

Can a player pass the ball with the Hurley in games 3?

Players may be allowed in games 3 and 4 to strike or pass the ball with the hurley. Conditioned game 3. – Backs and forwards with two games in progress, one at either end (depending on numbers)

How important is the correct grip in hurling?

Grip – The correct grip is the foundation upon which all skills are developed. While an incorrect grip may not appear to hinder a hurler at the Coaching level, it will especially impact as the child strives to become an elite hurler.

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