How can I register for KCL accommodation?

How can I register for KCL accommodation?

  1. Step 1: Register Your Interest. The first step is to register your interest in accommodation.
  2. Step 2: Receive an Invite. Within two weeks of registration you’ll receive an invitation email.
  3. Step 3: Book Your Room.
  4. Step 4: Sign Your Contract & Make Your Pre-Payment.

Does Kings College have halls of residence?

Over 6,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students join King’s Residences each year and our residences act as a platform for them to live and learn through life experiences, developing strategies to manage life’s challenges and using those skills to thrive long after they have left their accommodation.

How do I contact King’s College London by email?

Contact us

  1. Phone: +44 (0)20 7123 4843*
  2. Email: [email protected].
  3. WhatsApp: +44 (0)7858 988027.
  4. WeChat: please complete this form and we’ll invite you to connect with us via WeChat.

How do I contact King’s college admissions?

You can use this link to schedule a virtual visit, call 1-888-KINGS-PA, or e-mail [email protected].

What is Kaas KCL?

King’s Affordable Accommodation Scheme (KAAS) enables up to 940 students to access accommodation priced to up to £155 per week. they already hold an accommodation offer for King’s Residences 2. they are a home undergraduate applicant, in their first year of study 3.

Is KCL accommodation first come first serve?

Successful applicants will be sent an offer of accommodation for one of the residences and room types listed below. This offer will have the discounted rate, confirmation of residence location and room type. KAAS will be awarded on first come first served basis, however this is subject to availability.

How do I contact King college admissions?

Contact Information

Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Phone: 1-888-KINGS-PA or 570-208-5858
E-mail: [email protected]

Where can I find rented accommodation near King’s hospital?

King’s has agreements with several housing associations which own and manage property near the hospital and can help you to find rented housing association accommodation. The accommodation available for Trust staff to rent (subject to availability) ranges from bedsits/studios to one, two and three bedroom apartments.

Why choose King’s residences?

King’s Residences will deliver that by providing a safe, professional, service-driven and inclusive residential community where independent living stimulates non-academic learning to enhance student experience and success at King’s and beyond.

How can I find a flatmate at King’s?

Join our flatmate finder facebook group to link up with King’s students who are looking for housing or have sparerooms available in their houseshares. The University of London Housing Services will be running a series of events to help students with finding flatmates and accommodation for the next academic year.

Why work at King’s?

We aim to maximise every interaction to promote individuality, resilience and experience sharing (networking). King’s vision for 2029 is to make the world a better place.

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