How can I talk to India Post customer care?

How can I talk to India Post customer care?

Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM)

  1. For queries and complaints, please connect to India Post Call Centre (IPCC) Toll Free No. – 1800 266 6868.
  2. To register online complaints, please click on the tag given below: – ​“Register your Grievance”
  3. Contact details of Circle Public Grievances Nodal Officer ​(Please click here).

Does India Post call before delivery?

Q10- Does speed post call before delivery? Ans- Delivery will be done between 9 am — 6 pm, based on service level. If your sender has chosen for priority or express shipping, the item will reach you within precisely the exact same evening or early next morning.

What is so post in post office?

The SO full form in Post Office is Sub Office. It is a type of post office that is subordinate to the Head Post office. SO is always works under the HO post office. Monetary transactions of Sub Post Office are incorporated in the accounts of the latter office.

What happens if post is not delivered?

If item is not delivered to recipient then the mail will keep at Speed post office for 18 days. If item is not delivered delivered and full postage wasn’t paid then the mail will keep at Speed post office for 18 days. If item is not delivered and custom charge is due then we will keep it for 21 days at post office.

Who is the current postmaster?

The governors and the postmaster general elect the deputy postmaster general. The current officeholder is Louis DeJoy, who was appointed on June 15, 2020….

United States Postmaster General
Incumbent Louis DeJoy since June 16, 2020
United States Postal Service
Style Postmaster General
Status Chief executive

What’s the postmaster do?

A postmaster is the person in charge of a U.S. post office or network of post offices. Postmasters perform a variety of administrative duties, such as supervising employees, creating work schedules, and overseeing ingoing and outgoing mail processes.

How do I find my consignment number India Post?

SMS based Status: You can also track through the SMS service. Article type ‘ POST track <. 13 digit article number >. ‘ to track the status and send SMS on 166 or 51969….Speed Post Tracking Number.

Service Type Format No. of Alpha Numeric digits
Express Parcel Post XX000000000XX 13

How do I contact India post customer care?

India Post, Ministry of Communication & Technology. Contact Us Customer Care Toll Free Number 1800 266 6868 09.00 am to 06.00 pm (except Sunday and gazetted holidays)

How many India Post Offices are there in Jaipur?

There are 100 Offices of India Post in Jaipur. That is a huge number and this shows that India Post is present in every nook and corner of Jaipur. Whether you need to send a document or a heavy parcel, India Post has a solution for your every shipping requirement.

Which is the toll free number of India Post for ATM?

We have mention the list of India Postal Contact Numbers: Toll free number of India Post is ‘1924’. This number is available for support from 8am to 8pm excluding the public holidays. Toll Free no. for ATM is ‘1800 425 2440’ . On this number you can get the support related to ATM or debit cards grievances department.

How do I file a complaint with India Post?

There 11, 103 Sevottam complaint customer care centers of india post is available in country. if still the complaint is not solved then you can contact them through India post customer care number. First fill the form completely as required and press the submit button

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